Saturday, November 29, 2008

The Saturday Seven: Favorite Breakfast Selections

Holiday weekends are especially memorable, not only for the events on the actual holiday, but also for the happenings before and after. In particular breakfast meals. I love breakfast, and always have. Regardless of what is being served I enjoy the ritual of breakfast, Whether it starts with a cup of hot cawfee or tea, breakfast just feels good to me. This was the inspiration for another scintillating edition of The Saturday Seven: Favorite Breakfast Selections.

#1 French Toast:
It's toast, egg, cinnamon and syrup, perfect huh?

#2 Waffles: the little squares are perfect to hold blueberries.

#3 "Full English Breakfast"- consists of everything you see here. Mmmmm delish.

#4 Hot Croissant: The Continental option, but satisfying.
#5 A Bowl of Cheerios: Supposedly helps reduce Cholesterol, so it seems like a good idea.
#6 Blueberry Muffins: The old standby. I prefer home-made, but any will do

#7 Oatmeal: Prefer the kind you cook versus instant. It is heart-friendly so I like that.
What are YOUR favorite breakfast items? There are plenty of others I didn't mention (Smoked Salmon, Pop Tarts, Omelette's, Scrambled Eggs, Beans on Toast, Fruit, Bagels, etc etc etc. So go ahead, leave a comment with your two cents.
-Rick Rockhill


  1. Well, I LOVE French Toast, though I haven't had any in YEARS!
    Scrambled eggs and Bacon and a Croissant....!
    Fresh Steel Cut Irish Oatmeal....COOKED the L-o-n-g way.....
    And in a special Sunday Brunch-type Breakfast....Eggs Benedict with lots of that wonderful Sauce! YUUUUUUUMMMMMYYYYYYY!

  2. I'm all about breakfast!

    Coffee - definitely a rich mokka java or Sumatra blend, cream, and splenda.

    I love eggs florentine (eng muffin, tomato slice, spinach, poached egg, hollandaise), or eggs benedict. I also have a recipe for an egg and mushroom dish on my cooking blog that is delish!

    Being a southerner, I do love my cheese grits.

    Sometimes there's nothing better than good Jewish Latkes (applesauce and sour cream please) and fresh corned beef hash.

    Steel cut oats with a bit of maple syrup.

    Oh, so many choices... Rick, I can go on and on...

  3. I love any and all breakfast foods, most especially eggs with hash browns and bacon, but truth be told, I'll eat anything for breakfast because I eat most of my calories in the morning and early afternoon. I've been known to eat leftover pizza or macaroni and cheese for breakfast. My mother always said it's important THAT you eat breakfast, not WHAT you eat for breakfast.

  4. Someone once told me that waffles were pancakes with syrup traps. Makes me laugh everytime I make waffles.

  5. I must confess, I enjoy Egg Mc Muffins

  6. I promise you that I stick with #7 as much as possible. But there is a place here that does Almond-Crusted French Toast...and it's to die for!

  7. This one's fun!

    I must must must have tea with breakfast, first rule.

    1) French toast - I sometimes add a dash of chili to the generous maple syrup :P

    2) Used to love Eggo waffles until they started adding calcium, and now it doesn't toast enough thereby creating that toasty taste with melted butter I used to love. Belgian waffles are often too sweet for my palate.

    3) A good old English fryup, can't be beaten if you have a long touristy day ahead of you. I usually skip the beans, prefer streaky bacon to Canadian, and when in the north of England, also turn down the black pudding.

    4) I love croissants, nuff said.

    5) My cereal of choice for years was Honey n Nut cheerios. Since discovering the yogurt ones I'm stuck on them!

    6) Not into muffins much, except the dark bran ones made with molasses.

    7) I refuse to stand my spoon upright in a bowl of oatmeal.
    The style of porridge I was brought up on was far more appealing: in a pan boil cloves, cinnamon sticks, mace, nutmeg, brown sugar in some water. Add oatmeal, simmer to soften/soak, fill the rest with milk to desired thickness. In my opinion, milk and spices take the cardboard flavor off the oats.

    My most common breakfast now that I am not rushing to the office is toasted Ezekiel bread with cheesy spicy scrambled egg.

  8. All that stuff looks delicious to me, and would be welcomed at my breakfast table.


Thank you kindly.