Monday, December 29, 2008

Bowling Bonanza!

This past Saturday, members of my usual "poker gang" met for a night of dinner and bowling. We started at a popular restaurant called "Manhattan in the Desert", but the wait for a table of six was close to 30 minutes and we had bowling to do, so we decided to leave. Next up was "Cipolline", an Italian restaurant with a reasonably priced menu. I had chicken Parmesan, which came with a side salad, pasta and veggies. The pasta was overcooked, but the chicken parm was decent. I've eaten here once before and liked the food, although the service both times was just fair. There wasn't anything wrong with it, but the servers don't have a whole lot of personality so it seems very transactional: Sit. Order Food. Eat Food. Pay Bill. Go Home. Anyway the food hit the spot and soon enough we were on our way.
We arrived at Palm Springs Lanes ready for our Bowling Bonanza. I bowl about once per year, so my only expectations were that I would have a few laughs with friends. I figured I'd be lucky to break "100" at all. The scary bowling alley attendant assigned us our lanes and set us up for a few hours of play. Palm Springs Lanes had been renovated since the last time I was there. The lanes have what looks like "laser lights" moving down each lane. It actually was pretty cool.

above: soon enough we were in full swing, in heavy competition.

above: My game name was "Ricky Ticky Taffy"-my first game I had three strikes and scored 109! I was thrilled.

above: The second game I was off and only bowled a 79, needless to say I didn't take a photo of those scores! But the competition heated up, and soon my game was "en fuego"...

above: Game three I had two strikes, but picked up a few spares, and hit 137.

above: I wonder if my score was good enough to make coverage in "Bowling News"?

above: I converted this photo to black and white just for the fun of it. These are some of the "Poker /Bowling Gang", heckling each other on every frame. It was a fun night all in all, I hope we make it back for another night of Bowling soon. I'm curious if you have any bowling tips or secrets to help me improve my game...
-Rick Rockhill


  1. No bowling tips from me, I haven't played in over twenty years. Wait, here's one - make sure you're facing the right way. :)

    I enjoyed your Christmas Vlog, Rick - very festive! Thanks!

  2. Looks like fun!! I love bowling but I'm not that great at it. I always throw curve balls....

  3. bowling sounds like fun! haven't been in years but might have to go!

    smiles, bee

  4. Since I haven't been bowling in about 35 years, I doubt I could give you any tips!

  5. My all-time high score is 49. Lowest is 19. yep, I'm good. Pro status.

  6. You sound like just my kind of bowling guy.....I haven't done it in 20 or more. I don't even think I'd know where to stick my ball.

  7. how fun. i get to bowl about as often as you. my grandmother bowled in a league for decades and i like to wear her old bowling shirt. i pretend it helps my game even though i am largely hopeless.

  8. My only recommendation -beer or scotch -in rather copious quantities! Used to work for me anyway.

  9. You drink fine wine, you wear ascots, you travel all over Europe, and now you bowl.

    Rick Rockhill - Journeyman, Everyman.

  10. Thanks Songbird. I figured this Bowling post would be good for my street cred!

    At least I dodn't wear an ascot while bowling!

  11. I think a restaurant dis from you is akin to a thumbs down in The Desert Sun.. maybe even more so. Those wait staff better be their toesies when you come around.

    Yes, I said toesies.

    No, I don't really know what it means.

  12. I never bowl. Need to protect the hands. Hairdresser, you know.

  13. I haven't been bowling in years, but I got the urge to try it soon once again.

  14. Cheryl- glad you mentioned that, my hands are a wreck, I could use a good gentleman's manicure

  15. Since I haven't been bowling in nearly a decade, I think I'd best leave the advice to the experts.

    I bet the staff at Cipolline are all from Manhattan :) hence the lack of service.


Thank you kindly.