Sunday, December 28, 2008

Sunday Art Review: The Passage of Time

Today marks the final Sunday Art Review of 2008. Another year has flown by- the passage of time seems to be moving at a record pace. What is it about time? It goes by so slowly when we are young, yet as we age, it passes far too quickly. Time seemed an appropriate theme for this week's Sunday Art Review: The Passage of Time. I searched high and low, near and far, for an artistic representation of time, and chose the hour glass to tell this story. The following pieces are borrowed from around world wide web. I hope they tell a story of time. All I ask is that you remember how precious time is to us all. So "Carpe diem" (seize the moment).

above: "Hour Glass Skinny" by Katie Flindall

above: "Vitruvian Man with Clock" by Da Vinci.

above: "The Hour Glass" by Bruno

above: "A Matter of Time" by Tilly Strauss

above: "Hour Glass Rock", by George Mendoza

above: Hour Glass, Jahangir-Enthroned
Which piece do you like best? Go ahead, leave a comment, it's the last Sunday Art Review for 2008!
To close this post I thought I'd share a piece of 80's pop music history. A song called "Time" (Clock of the Heart) by Culture Club, oh, so 28 years ago! I hope you enjoy it.
-Rick Rockhill


  1. The Hour Glass by Bruno describes the best how we cant help but move through the time. Kinda a sad but true :)

  2. I would have to say the DaVinci...! It is to me, the most Artful!
    A swell idea for the last Art Review of 2008, Rick.

  3. WHAT?? No melting clocks, a la Dali?

    I like the Bruno and Da Vinci, of course. Time is passing so fast now I can hardly keep up with it!

  4. yes rick, time if fleeting!

    smiles, bee

  5. I kind of like the last one- the jahargin one because it is so unexpected. Is that song really almost 30 years old? My gosh time does fly

  6. Hi Rick! :)

    I finally sat down and was able to enjoy your Christmas Video--Thank you so much for sharing it with us. Owen is such a character and Sheldon is adorable!The ornaments were lovely--I actually love the "tacky touristy" ones too! :)

    The DaVinci is my favorite, but I very much like the last one as well. :)

    Have a great Sunday in the nice warm desert!


  7. I'm going with the Hour Glass Skinny. Time does fly, way too fast. I still feel so much younger than my years. I wouldn't mind a do-over for some of them. And as much as I love Saturdays, I wish they wouldn't come so fast.

    Happy almost New Year.

  8. I like Bruno's Hour Glass which reminds me of Dali. But the one that appeals to me most visually is Jahangir Enthroned. Is it Persian? Royal Persian art is so sumptuous.

  9. Hi Rick! I'm Eszter from Humgary. I like the Bruno's one the best. Do you know were it is from? I didn't find it elsewhere on the net... Can anybody help me?

    Thanks, Eszter (


Thank you kindly.