Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas at Melvyn's!

For Christmas dinner, we went to the famous Melvyn's restaurant at the legendary Ingleside Inn here in Palm Springs. Rated by Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous as one one the top destinations, Melvyn's restaurant offers a taste of old Hollywood glamour. It's one of my favorites for the food, atmosphere and stellar service. We arrived early to relax in the lounge for a martini and to enjoy the live music. The staff take excellent care of me, and are so charming. "Nino" was performing at the piano, and in no time I was humming along to the festive Christmas songs. In this photo I am sitting at the piano bar, before any of the other guests filled the lounge. Shortly thereafter we were whisked away to my usual table, which is known as the "Sinatra Table", named because Frank himself dined here for many years. Melvyn's has such a great history, loads and loads of famous people have passed through these doors over the ages.
above: I stopped in front of the entrance to Melvyn's by the Christmas tree for a quick photo.
Another "Glamor Shot"
above: I was trying to get a photo without the flash reflecting in the mirror- it was tough to do with the cheesy camera I have. As a side note, I'm wearing one of the new ascots I bought in Venice a few months ago- it matches this velvet jacket perfectly!
Christmas Eve....

above: Christmas Eve was a cozy night- we spent it with friends and enjoyed the glow of the fire by the tree.

above: It was also the birthday of a friend- here is the cake served in his honor, isn't it fantastic? Bee, since you love cake too, this is for you! Christmas turned out to be a wonderful holiday this year. We are truly blessed in so many ways. I hope your holiday was enjoyable too.
-Rick Rockhill


  1. You sure are a snappy dresser rick. I just love that outfit you are wearing.

  2. I'm too dazzled by the cake to say anything else...LOL!

  3. well rick i had the perfect comment all ready and then i saw the cake. and then i swooned a bit. my eyes glazed over. sigh...

    oh, and the ascot is perfect too!

    smiles, bee

  4. Very Festive and Very Beautiful....How nice to have your Christmas Dinner at such a BEAUTIFUL place where they know you so well....!
    That "cake" is MAGNIFICENT, too!

    I'm so glad your Christmas Holiday has been so very good...Especially under the sad circumstances recently.....
    And now, on to NEW YEARS!

  5. Oh and I forgot to say...I noticed that beautiful 'neck-piece'...(lol) And thought, 'Rick is always so very very dapper'....And such a BEAUTIFUL Jacket, too!

  6. We had a great Christmas with excellent food, but I think I'd have rather been with you!!

  7. I read only today in the Details magazine (yes, a men's mag, I read it every time I visit my cousin!) - a short interview with Giorgio Armani in which he recommends a "handsome velvet tuxedo jacket" - in midnight blue or deep plum, with velvet slippers for entertaining at home, or wing tips if you go out. :)

  8. So of course I mean to say, as usual you are in spot on style.

  9. Rick: Forgive my tardiness. I am still without my Laptop and borrowing various machines to stay in touch. Of course, Melvyn's! A Toast to You for having such great tastes! :)

  10. It sounds like you had a lovely holiday-I'm happy for that. The cake looks divine-did it taste as good as it looks? Are those lady fingers on the bottom?

    PS. As always, you looked very handsome. LOVE the jacket.


Thank you kindly.