Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Extravaganza Post

Greetings! I am happy to present this Christmas Extravaganza Post, just in time for Christmas. I recently acquired a web cam to be able to see my two nieces more regularly. It seemed appropriate that the first use of the web cam should be for my good old blog. What a perfect time to create Christmas Extravaganza video, I thought. So I pulled together some odds and ends, set up the webcam and Voila! OK, so this might not actually qualify as an extravaganza, but it sounded nifty. Since I scraped it together at the last moment, I had to make do with what was around. Owen has been a good little kitty lately and wanted to open the video, so he put on a Santa hat. He is fighting a cold at the moment, sneezing and coughing so he only makes a brief appearance. Hopefully Santa will bring him some goodies tonight as a reward. So without further ado, we present the Christmas Extravaganza Video.... (it's a little long, so get comfortable). Click the little arrow below the box below:

To watch the Christmas Extravaganza video click above.
I hope you enjoyed the big Christmas Extravaganza video! We had a lot of fun filming it. Next time I won't bob and weave around so much. It caused a lot of blurriness. After we finished filming the video, Sheldon borrowed Owen's "Santa hat" and posed for this photo, isn't he cute? We're going to listen to Christmas Carols tonight by the fireplace and relax with some hot chocolate. What are your plans? Whatever you do, we wish you all a Happy Christmas!
-The Palm Springs Savant, Owen & Sheldon

If you had trouble viewing the video above within blogger, try this version on You Tube:


  1. well rick that was perfectly lovely! i really enjoyed hearing your voice too! merry christmas my friend!

    smiles, bee

  2. Merry Christmas to you and your little family, Rick!

    I must run right now but will be back to watch your special video greeting.

  3. LOVE the video!

    I got a kick out of the Christmas colors (shirt and ascot!). How wonderful it was to see your furbabies.

    I used to work for Macy's Midwest division in the mid-1980's before it was sold to Elder-Beerman. Loved it back then. Those were the days!

    Oh, and by the way, I'll take those two trinidads.... love me the Fanny Mae candy...

    And, no, Christmas wouldn't be complete without a martini.

    Have a blessed holiday to you and all your family!

    Big hugs!

  4. Just came across to wish you and John, Owen and Sheldon a very Happy Christmas Rick! Enjoyed the video!

  5. I love seeing the video of you! Always nice to hear the voice. :)

    Merry Christmas to you, and thanks for such a cool Christmas post.

  6. I will come back and watch that Video later, my dear...I promise...But I just wanted to say...MERRY MERY CHRISTMAS TO YOU & YOURS!
    I hope "Santa" is very very good to you this year, dear Rick!

  7. it was fun to be able to hear your voice and see you "live." i bet you and your nieces will really enjoy webcamming. isn't it great to have technology to stay in touch?

    i love the carved antique santas. makes me wonder about the different trees they must have hung on over the years. sheldon is adorable in owen's hat. owen does NOT look amused to be wearing it though. hehehe.

    merry christmas, rick. i hope it's a lovely and blessed time for you.

  8. Merry Christmas, Rick. I wanted to see the video, but it won't play for me.

  9. Aww that was so cute! "Grab a martini and hold on tight!"

    You know, I don't think I was feeling Christmas until I watched that video, with the cool soundtrack, your quirky little ornaments, and cuddly Owen and Sheldon.

    Thank you for sharing.

    Here's to the reason for the season.

  10. that was a lot of fun, I hope to hear your voice again sometime! merry christmas to you too.

  11. *LOL* Thank you Rick :)

    Merry christmas to all of you!

  12. I want to kiss Sheldon's cold nose! Does he have a cold nose?

    Nativity blessings to you and your sweet family, Sir Rick! Christ is born! Glorify Him!

  13. So Rockhill finally got himself a webcam! Okay, next is to download SKYPE (it's free of course) and add daverhodester as a friend. Then video conference with me daily.

    Because I know you have all kinds of time to do things like that now.

    Oh wait, that's me! Never mind.

    Merry Christmas to you, John and the kids.. may the blessings of this day descend upon you like snowflakes! Only warmer, and a bit bigger.

  14. great addition to your blog - really enjoyed hearing from you! hope you had a fabulous day with your family.

  15. Merry Christmas Rick! May the new year bring new discoveries and new friends.

  16. As Bee said, it was so neat to "hear" your voice, as opposed to "reading" it. Loved meeting you, Owen and Sheldon (both gorgeous but I am really loving the dog -black dogs being my all-time favorites). The ornaments though -just fantastic! However, I'll pass on the martini -just a beer for me, please. Martinis tend to bring out the absolute worst in me possible so I have steered clear of them for oh, about 38 years now!
    And chocolate-Christmas isn't Christmas -after the main reason for the season -without chocolate and cookies, home baked no less, too! Stop by and have some cookies and coffee with me. Anytime, cause I almost always have that on hand!

  17. how nice to hear your voice! wonderful video rick.

  18. Sad to hear that Eartha Kitt passed away today, of all days, she who sang "Santa Baby".

  19. Merry Christmas to you Rick! You sound so wonderful!!! It was certainly a treat to sit with you tonight and to see your favorite ornaments.

    Oh that was so really was fantastic to finally hear what you sound like! :)

  20. What a great video...thanks for sharing ....
    Hope you had a merry lil christmas!!!


  21. I very much enjoyed your Video---I especially am partial to ALL the Ornaments from England....They look so elegant and pretty!
    Sweet Animals and you look quite Elwgant, too, Rick!
    A Lovely Momento for Christmas 2008!

  22. Hi Rick,

    It was great seeing you in 'person' and getting to hear your voice.

    I hope you had a wonderful Christmas!

  23. I FINALLY got around to viewing your video! I'm so glad you have Sheldon in your life, especially since Koshimi is gone. Sheldon looks like a love, and he'll give you lots of fun and happiness, I'm sure.

  24. AHAHAH! I love how Owen just does not want to be on camera at all! Sheldon was real cool, but brief.

  25. Loved your holiay greeting and meeting your darling dog and cat. Rich I love your blog, it shows me a part of Palm Springs, I never see. So nice to see the other parts of it. Blessings to you.


Thank you kindly.