Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Breakfast at The Waldorf with Olivia

Last week I was in New York for a few days on business. I made last minute plans to meet Olivia for an early breakfast. Regular readers may recall that I last met fellow blogger Olivia while in London, where she had been living before relocating to New York. As I was staying in Midtown Manhattan, Olivia very kindly made the journey into the city, braving the snow & sleet. It was a nice chance to catch up on things since London. We had a relaxing chat over breakfast. I had Eggs Benedict and coffee, Olivia had a bagel and tea. Much to my surprise, Olivia brought a present for me (see the beautifully wrapped package in gold stripes). It was a lovely picture frame for me to use in memory of my beloved Koshimi. It was such a nice gesture, I'm not sure I properly thanked Olivia for her thoughtfulness. Our time flew by ever-so-quickly before I had to dash off to a work meeting. Olivia may be moving to Washington DC next, I wonder if I'll have any business travels there! I'm starting to wrap things up at work before the holiday. I'm planning a Christmas extravaganza post, so I hope you can check back. Thanks for stopping by today.
-Rick Rockhill


  1. You had my favorite breakfast!!

    I just noticed that you have a photo of you and Leslie Jordan. If you see him again, please tell him he has a huge fan in Raleigh. My boss and I never miss episodes of Sordid Lives and we really hope it comes back next season!! The season finale was terrific and Leslie was the best yet!

  2. I *loves* me some eggs benedict!

    Have fun getting ready for the holidays. I'll be waiting for the big extravaganza!

  3. it's so fun to meet with fellow bloggers. and what a thoughtful gift from olivia.

  4. Hi Olivia!

    I was just thinking of Olivia for some reason. I love her sunshiney smile!

  5. that was a lovely thoughtful gift! and lucky olivia getting to see you twice!

    merry christmas rick!

    smiles, bee

  6. Oh look, the photo from your camera came out so well!

    I feel so silly for not having the Eggs Benedict.

    Anyway, again it was a pleasure visiting with you. Until next time, my friend!


    Tea N Crumpet - well, thank you how nice of you to say so :)

  7. Oh, and I wanted to point out to the good readers that I wore a ruffled shirt to keep up with Rick's ascot - and horror of horrors - he wasn't wearing one!!! :-o

  8. *LOL* Olivia! And I would of so gone for eggs Benedict too :)

  9. Here we live in the same town, and I couldn't get you over to the Hilton for dinner.. I know Olivia is prettier than I am, but I'd bring you a gift too! What size underwear do you wear?

    Rick, Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to you, John, Sheldon and Owen. Koshi too, cuz he's still hanging out.

  10. Merry Christmas Rick! I'll be back later tonight to check out your Christmas post.

  11. Just wanted to wish you and yours a wonderful and peace filled holiday.....be well.

    (you were in NYC and didn't call????? Tsk Tsk...:-)

  12. What a wonderful time to be able to catch up with a friend! I'm glad you had such a nice lunch!! Olivia seems just darling. :)

    Bring on the extravaganza!!

    Warm wishes for the holiday season. :)

  13. Olivia's gift is sweet. Aw, I didn't even know Koshimi, but through your blog and pics, I miss the little bugger myself.

    A toast to your awesome furry bud and a Happy Xmas.


Thank you kindly.