Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Palm Springs Festival of Lights Parade

Here in Palm Springs, it's not easy to get in the Christmas mood. We don't get snow on the desert floor, nor do we have cold temperatures typically associated with Christmas season. Instead we rely on other cues to get in the holiday spirit. The Annual Festival of Lights parade is one such event. It features over 100 floats and parade entries with thousands of strings of lights gliding down Palm Canyon Drive to cheering onlookers. The event attracts close to 100,000 spectators each year and includes locals and international tourists as well. The floats include everything from firetrucks, big rigs, mobile homes, tractors and vintage cars, and regular vehicles all decorated with fabulous festive lights. It also features horses, camels, dogs, marching bands, elected officials and celebrities too. I didn't have too many good photos of my own, so I "borrowed these" from the Desert Sun. I hope they get you in the Christmas mood!

above: True to our western desert heritage, a cowboy on a horse, with lights of course.

above: this neat truck carried Frosty the Snowman

above: I like this photo, with the horses and palm trees in the background.

above: What's a parade without a beauty queen? Here is Miss California

above: Santa makes his appearance

above: Vintage firetrucks line up

above: Even camels participated in this year's parade.
Yes, indeed Christmas is here. What does your community do to usher in the holiday season? Go ahead, leave a comment. Don't be a Scrooge!
-Rick Rockhill


  1. WOW! What an awesome parade... so many lights! I would have been ooh-ing and ahh-ing all night!

    Love the lights on the vintage firetrucks the best... Cool!

  2. Here in Louisville it's cold during Christmas and people go nuts with lights and decorations. They also have Light up Louisville down town and that's pretty popular. Only the Kentucky Derby is bigger down here.

  3. Our city has a parade, too, but it is accompanied by cold weather and wind, so I'd much prefer yours!!

  4. the camel sure was a surprise! maybe they could put the three kings on camels.

    our town has a christmas tree lighting in the town square on black friday. then the first saturday in december the local school district puts on a big music festival and crafts bazaar.

  5. One of the major power companies here in town sponsors a huge light parade, which almost got canceled this year due to company finances. Somehow it got salvaged, but it's been years since we went down to watch it. Hubby doesn't like big crowds like that. Makes him nervous about being out with the kids.

  6. Thanks for posting my picture on your blog, I was the lady cowboy! We very much enjoyed your weather!

  7. Thanks for posting my picture on your blog, I was the lady cowboy! We very much enjoyed your weather!

  8. My community does pretty much the same thing to usher in the holiday season, beings how it's the SAME COMMUNITY and all.. geez.

    Here I was going to post all my Christmas parade photos but now you've gone and beat me to it.

    Just kidding, I didn't go. Buffy marathon on TV.

  9. The desert sure knows how to put on a party!

  10. Yikes! My brother didn't tell me about the parade. That's even more Nashville than Nashville! Except we don't have camels, but we do have a llama farm. Except they spit which wouldn't be very Christmasy.

  11. As this will be my first Christmas in Bay Ridge, I am yet to find out what local traditions usher in the holiday season.

  12. That looks like so much fun. No cold, snow, slush, and biting wind?? Plus lights?? I love it!

  13. Well, Back In The Day, there was the Hollywood Parade...NOW, I understand, watered down to completely unrecognizeable "stars"....A friend went this year and said it was pitiful....So Sad!

  14. In Wasilla we have competitions for children to make gingerbread houses (sometimes made of graham crackers) and we have a parade in Palmer. Mostly we go crazy with lights because it's so dark!

  15. Lovin The Hilday Kitsch!
    Great blog!


  16. Here on the Gulf Coast of Texas we have a harbor lights parade. All the sailboats in the harbor decorate their boats. Then the U.S.S. Lexington turns on it's red and green Christmas lights. Personally, I'd much rather be in New York for Christmas...let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!


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