Friday, April 17, 2009

Philatelic Friday: Stamps About People Helping People

Welcome to another edition of Philatelic Friday. I kicked around theme options for today's post, and settled on a broad theme of People Helping People. So I started searching Google for images of stamps and came up with an interesting collection of topics. For example, finding a Jury Duty stamp was an interesting topic for a stamp. It is all about our civic duty to help others. I found myself staring at the silhouettes of the people depicted on this Jury Duty stamp...young/old, male/female, then I tried to guess the intended ethnicity, and then who these people remind me of. How easily my mind wanders. Anyway, onto more of Philatelic Friday: Stamps About People Helping People

above: A Canadian stamp raising awareness about people with Mental Health issues
above: This charming stamp is from Hungary and is literally about People Helping Others. Sweet, isn't it?

above: From France, a stamp raising awareness of tuberculosis and public health

above: Another French stamp about public health, raising awareness of the value of fresh air to life.

above: An unusual stamp from the USA about Retarded children

above: Canada's Fire fighter's stamp...very dramatic, isn't it?
Thanks for stopping by this week's edition of Philatelic Friday. Have a great weekend!
-Rick Rockhill


  1. Him Nice theme.. enjoy your posts, especially Philatelic Friday.

    Good idea.

    and what is it Charo and Xavier have in common.. thought my answer was good :-)

    Best wishes have a great weekend.. Michael

  2. Him Nice theme.. enjoy your posts, especially Philatelic Friday.

    Good idea.

    and what is it Charo and Xavier have in common.. thought my answer was good :-)

    Best wishes have a great weekend.. Michael

  3. kind of amazing to think of the details contained in such a small bit of art. that last one in particular.

  4. I don't think I've ever seen any of those, Rick. The artwork is very nice on all of them.

  5. I need to do an article on my mail art. I love stamps, too.

    The retarded children stamp is making me laugh out loud. One of my children has special needs and I guess you could say he is retarded. He glanced over my shoulder when I started laughing and he can read and he also found it amusing. He grabbed my hand and said, "I can be helped, Mom!" He also found it comically strange.

  6. you are right, the last from the USA is an odd one. I did not receive the Canada fire fighter stamp here at my end.
    Enjoy your Fridays.

  7. I love the art on stamps. I think the best reflection of the theme is shown in the last stamp. Since I work at a nonprofit helping people, this post has given me pause to think how we can show best what we do for others.
    However, nothing is as dramatic as the work of rescuers like fire fighters, police officers, paramedics, and other public servants--I admire their courage greatly.

  8. These are all Beautiful Stamps. I particularly like that Jury Duty Stamp...the varied colors catch the eye, don't they? But all of them are quite wonderful. GREAT Subject for your Friday Stamp Post, Rick!

  9. Of course, I am partial to the Canadian stamps...but that one with the retarded children? Ouch.

  10. The Canadian one with the arrow through the head reminds me of a band I knew in college called Phineus Cage. I guess he was a real guy who lived with a metal rod (or something) in his head for a tiny bit of time and no one wanted him to remove it because he was mean before but now was nice!

  11. I really like that first one from France!!

    Hope you had a good weekend!!!


  12. The firefighter stamp is indeed dramatic -- and my favorite. Of course, the fact that my son is a firefighter and I'm very proud of him has nothing to do with it!

  13. Wow! I was JUST looking at my stamp collection today. Shhhhh! Don't tell anyone! Seriously, there are some really interesting stamps out there!

    The firefighter one I haven't seen before. I'm Canadiand and Hubby is a firefighter, so I was shocked to see that one! :)

    BTW, I've got something for you on my blog :)

  14. LOVE stanps. Have all my life.

    what a wonderful theme you have here.


Thank you kindly.