Thursday, April 16, 2009

Some Local Palm Springs Stuff

Being the Palm Springs Savant, I like to maintain a good working personal knowledge of all things Palm Springs. In addition to attending all the fabulous social events, charitable fundraisers and mingling with celebrities, I try to go out on the town regularly exploring restaurants, local stores and attractions. The other day I popped into a store downtown called Crystal Fantasy to pick up a new deck of Tarot cards. When I handed my credit card to pay, the person said: "I thought that was you, from the Palm Springs Savant" It was Joy, who owns Crystal Fantasy. How nice that she recognized me! She has a great store conveniently located downtown across from the Hyatt and also sells some items online if you want to check it out. The store is packed with interesting things like crystals, incense, candles, jewelry, books, fairies, wind chimes, wands, prisms, and lots more.
The other neat place I visited was Jake's restaurant for dinner. It's a cute place with indoor and outdoor patio dining areas. They offer a simple menu with some items that appeared to be part of their ready to go catering menu. Both our meals were delicious, and quite reasonably priced. For those times when you want a light lunch or an inexpensive dinner, Jake's is an option consider. It was good enough for me to consider returning, so that means it passed my strict standards! (As a reminder to any readers, I never feature any paid posts- so whatever I write is my own personal opinion.) Thanks for stopping by today!
-Rick Rockhill


  1. I don't think your coverage is THAT thorough, Rick.. I NEVER see you in the Coco's up here on Hwy 111 three miles from downtown.

    There's a Wednesday all-you-can-eat shrimp special and there are always discounts for seniors. Plus, if you catch her on a good day, Juanita gives pretty good service and will even refill your coffee cup three times before she's decided you've had enough and she ignores you.

    OH! And there's gum and mints and stuff available at the counter for purchase as you pay your bill. They also even let you buy pie TO-GO and take home when you're all done! It's pretty cool.

  2. is that the first time you were recognized from your blog?

  3. If you are ever in Virginia Beach, go to The Heritage Store. They have all the same merchandise and more, plus a cafe that sells organic foods.

  4. Rhodester- Funny you should mention Coco's. In fact I AM a regular there. Malu is my regular waitress. I always order the same 2 or 3 things, depending on the time of day I am there. It's actually one of my favorites in all of Palm Springs.

  5. You darn well better place a phone call next time you drop in - I live behind it. I'll pay for my own cup of coffee.

  6. Isn't it fun to write about things we like! Maybe I could make some money but I don't write with that in mind. I even left off the Google ads when I changed templates.

  7. Sally Kellerman is singing this weekend in Palm Springs....I should have Forwarded the email to you....She is really REALLY Good!


Thank you kindly.