Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sunday Art Review: Swines in Art, aka Pig Art

With all the hype about the dreaded Swine Flu pandemic spreading like wildfire, I found myself thinking about every little cough or sniffle over the past few days. Maybe those people coughing on the flight back from Chicago had the Swine Flu. Or was it that person at work who was coughing and hacking all day. But then again I was at the store and the cashier coughed into her hands before she handed me my change. I'm sure it all must be that swine flu! yes, I can be a bit of a hypochondriac at times. But why risk it? I found all this hype about the swine flu inspiration for this week's Sunday Art Review: Swines in Art, aka Pig Art. This first painting above left is "Famous Pigs" by Kathryn Wronski.

above: Purple Pig, by Dale Wicks

above: Pinky Pig painting, by Pamela Munger

above: Shout, by Joselito Jandayan

above: When Pigs Fly, print by L Risor.

above: and finally my favorite: Pig in a Blanket, artist unknown.
All kidding about the Swine Flu aside, be careful, stay healthy and wash your hands frequently, as you would to avoid any flu. I hope you enjoyed this week's rather unusual Sunday Art Review.
-Rick Rockhill


  1. I never tire of your topics!

    I love Dale Wick's Purple Pig.

    oink oink oink!

  2. I concur! The pig in a blanket gets my vote too :)

    Let's hope the swine flu does not develop into a pandemic.

  3. i think the first two are the ones i like best. i remember helping care for the pigs at my dad's farm. i always liked them.

    stay healthy.

  4. oh rick, that is exactly why i hate to touch money, it is filthy and germy. i handed my credit card to a cashier once and she took it and scratched her neck with it before handing it back to me. ewwwwww......

    but the piggies are cute today!

    smiles, bee

  5. i like the piggies, how cute! fun choice for a sunday art review today.

  6. All I kept thinking as I read this post was that exchange between Henry and Eleanor in THE LION IN WINTER...

    Henry: "The day those stout hearts band together is the day that pigs get wings."

    Eleanor: "There'll be pork in the treetops come morning."

    Here's to pork in the treetops tomorrow morning. :)

  7. Good one Stephen, very clever of you! But then again, you are a sharp lad.

  8. Pig in a blanket... Hahahaahaha!

    I would keep washing my hands whenever I pass a restroom. I'm not taking any chances.

    Swine flue is a lipid enveloped virus, so it's quite susceptible to detergents. Hence handwashing is a reasonable deterrent.

    Travel safe and smart, my friend. We'd like to keep ya around.

  9. Love that top photo art! We have a restaurant here with several pig paintings on the walls - it could be that same artist.

  10. Ha! You're such a kidder, Rick.

    Seriously, what drove hubby and me to the doctor this week wasn't the fear of swine flu but strep instead. Turns out we have a sinus infection - YUCK!

  11. Yeah, is this media exaggerated hype over this flu thingy, or should we genuinely be worried?!

    WHATEVER. Gotta die sometime. Enjoy la vida my friend.

  12. I LOVE pigs and the "art" they have inspired....These are great Rick. Someyime I will have to take a picture of my Pig Sculpture....It is so dear. A Pig, sleeping on the top of a book...!

  13. Sorry I missed this earlier but I love pig art. Cute post.

  14. Enjoyed reading your blog :)
    Thanks for including my "Pinky' in your pig art selection. I love painting farm animals.
    Pamela Munger

  15. Was fun to find my ''When Pigs Fly'' painting playing on your blog... thank you for enjoying AND for sharing! L. Risor


Thank you kindly.