Monday, April 27, 2009

The Real Message of Susan Boyle

It's been weeks since Susan Boyle exploded on the scene from her appearance on the UK TV show "Britain's Got Talent", yet she continues to hold the fascination of people across the world. Unless you've had your head in the sand, it's not likely you don't know her story. Susan Boyle is a woman of enormous talent who has been hidden away in a remote area of Scotland for years. The amount of attention she has garnered is a testament to both her own talent and the power of today's Internet. Perhaps equally significant is the voracious appetite of the general populous for this story. For several months, people have read news of an unravelling world economy, mounting job losses, financial scandals and general uncertainty. And yet a story of a Scottish spinster in a singing contest captured the hearts of people worldwide. It reflects our need to feel good about things. We want to hear happy stories, especially when good fortune reaches the unexpected. It's not dis-similar to the periodic stories of a working mom with three kids living in a trailer who hits the lottery and wins twenty million. Everyone loves good news. And why not? It's important to feel happy. In my mind, the Susan Boyle story has underlying messages that tug heart strings on many levels. Whatever the emotion, embrace it and spread a little sunshine. Pass along some kindness, show compassion to others. Stop short of being judgemental and cruel. Build people up instead of tearing them down. And most of all, keep the faith because hope springs eternal.

above: Susan Boyle at her home in Scotland.
-Rick Rockhill


  1. aw, what a sweet story rick.

  2. i think she was put on this earth to show us all a lesson. i hope she stays happy, i worry a little about how she must feel knowing everyone thinks she "looked frumpy". how sad for her and bad for us, eh?

    smiles, bee

  3. She just proved that we should never judge a book by its cover! Isn't she magnificent though? I loved the way she really put the judges -and the audience too -in their places as she started to sing. And her interview with them was equally great too.
    Thanks for an excellent point in your post.

  4. i hope she remains down to earth. in addition to her incredible talent it's part of her charm.

  5. I haven't met anyone yet that hasn't been totally blown away after viewing her performance and the transformation the judges, (and the eye-rolling audience). I do hope our society takes note, appearance is skin deep.

  6. true beauty comes in all shapes, sizes and all walks of life.

  7. Yea, and she also said she had never been kissed...

    ...but what a voice!

  8. This whole phenomena has been wonderfully refreshing.

  9. I think everyone said it here already but it is true, she is reminding us not to pre-judge someone!

  10. She's phenomenal, Isn't she? That will teach us to judge a book by its cover!!

  11. Hope, indeed, DOES spring eternal. Otherwise, how would mankind have survived this long?

  12. That's right my brotha. AMEN!

    "Build people up instead of tearing them down."

    Yeah, I really do try and do this more often, because so many people don't! UGH!

  13. I don't know much about Britian's Got Talent, but I love Susan. When will we hear from her again? Any clue? I can see a picture of the two of you on the sidebar. She's wonderful.

  14. She was amazing and her voice was incredible. Hers is just a great story and I can't imagine anyone not cheering for her success. You're right---everyone loves a dark horse who sings like an angel!

  15. I love seeing the video clip when it was first on YouTube...It was a breath of fresh air and what I liked best was the complete turn around of the Judges and the audience, when Susan Boyle opened her mouth and that beautiful voice came out! WONDERFUL and yes, HOPEFUL, TOO!

  16. She is what one of my old blog readers once called a beige lady. Somebody that is never seen, like so many of them with their grey skirts and cardigans, and carrying things in plastic bags. But she can sing and we found that out, so good for her - there are as yet millions of other invisible talents out there who will never be discovered, and may Miss Boyle be their mascot.


Thank you kindly.