Friday, May 1, 2009

Philatelic Friday: Stamps about Guide Dogs

Today is May 1st, the start of National Guide Dog Month. It's a perfect topic for my weekly Philatelic Friday series. Since I am resourceful and persistent, I managed to dig up a series of postage stamps from around the world about Guide Dogs! Can you image the luck? I should take this time to disclose that I worked with my company and one of our vendors to plan a month-long fundraiser in all of our stores and online for Guide Dog schools nationwide. You'll hear more about it on this blog for the next few weeks, so I apologize in advance if I blog about it too much. The exciting part is that American Idol judge and singer Paula Abdul is our spokesperson for National Guide Dog Month. If you want to see a nifty video of Paula Abdul about this, click here. But for today, I present this week's installment of Philatelic Friday: Stamps About Guide Dogs. The first one above left is from Ireland. Enjoy the rest:

above: UK Guide Dog stamp

above: another UK Guide Dog stamp

above: Netherlands Guide Dogs

above: USA Guide Dog stamp
above: Canada Guide Dog stamp
Thanks for stopping by this week's installment of Philatelic Friday featuring Guide Dog stamps! Don't forget to check out that cool Paula Abdul Guide Dog video
-Rick Rockhill


  1. Good luck with this campaign. What a great idea! I really like the stamp design and as I find out more about cause marketing, I applaud those corporations who work with groups and non-profits for the greater good. Kudos to Paula for giving some of her time to work with you all.

  2. They sure beat the plain old Liberty Bell any day!!

  3. they are amazing aren't they? i am lucky to know one!

    smiles, bee

  4. How ironic. There was a guide dog in my dream this morning. I remember petting it as it walked by. Then I apologized to his owner for interrupting his work. HONEST!

    I know better than to pet a guide dog at work... how silly of me!

  5. never have to apologize about blogging about dogs too much. Especially a wonderful campaign.
    Enjoyed these stamps

  6. Not a darned thing wrong with any post about dogs -yours, other folks, stamps about dogs and guide dogs -well, one of the best things ever, don't 'cha think?
    Just wondering -but did you happen to see my post a couple weeks ago about a little boy from this area in Penna, who is autistic, and it was recommended he get a service or guide dog -however you want to call it. Well, his Mother and loads of family and friends went to work, raised the $10,000 needed for the dog and they got it. Only to have the school district tell them that he could not bring the dog to school with him as they saw no need for him to have a tool like this! Incredible, istn't it? Makde me wonder if they'd do the same thing if a child were to come to school with a guide dog because the child is blind.

  7. what a terrific set commemorating something so important. as an aside, it's so easy to take these sorts of service animals for granted and yet when i was in trinidad in 1993 i was friends with the family who were the recipients of the first guide dog on the island. the young lady who benefitted had her world open up in ways no visually impaired person in her nation ever dared dream until then.

  8. My goodness, I am sooo behind on the blogs!

    I adore and admire working dogs. I love them for their dedication, their willingness to please, their ability to learn, and their eager attention. God bless them all.

  9. Guide dogs are such a brilliant thing! And your stamps look good too :)

  10. Service dogs in general are such worthy animals. I applaud them and their trainers.

    I just read about a dog in San Diego that helps child victims of abuse testify in court by calming them while on the witness stand. Fascinating.

  11. Such BEAUTIFUL Stamps and such an important reminder! I cannot get over how many stamps there are that are related to this topic.


Thank you kindly.