Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Movie Colony Hotel: Cactus in Bloom

There is a nifty boutique hotel in Palm Springs called the Movie Colony Hotel, located in was once a neighborhood where movie stars lived. Originally designed by famed architect Albert Frey, the hotel has been featured in Architectural Digest magazine as an example of the many noteworthy Mid-Century modern properties which have become synonymous with Palm Springs style. This post however is not about the architecture or the movie stars who once frequented this hotel. Instead, it is to highlight the beautiful cactus garden. So here are a few photos, I hope you enjoy them:

above: tall & proud cactus line the walkway into the front entrance of the hotel.

above: the prickly pear cactus are thick and full, providing vibrant color contrasts of yellow, purple and green.

above: look at how beautiful these cactus are...go ahead, click on the pics to biggify them...

above: this close up really shows how beautiful the yellow cactus flowers are. It is a wonderful combination of texture and color.
Hope you have a great day today, and thanks for stopping by.
-Rick Rockhill


  1. I love the colour contrast in the cactus. beautiful.
    The architecture inside the Hotel is fantastic. Enjoyed the design

  2. I'll bet that is a fun place to stay.

  3. I am a Cactus lover, as you may recall from my Blog and my own Cactus Garden...So these pitures please me no end. I used to have that Opuntia (Prickly Pear) that turns Purple in the Sun....It is so very Beautiful! Mine died after about 15 years and I never replaced it....One of these days, maybe I will.
    I LOVE the Entryway "Fence Post" cactus all in a group like that...
    BEAUTIFUL, my dear Rick.

  4. I love when the cacti are in bloom; too bad it's such a short season.

  5. You know, I've never actually seen a cactus flowering? They're beautiful!

  6. I bought some leaves in Wasilla, Alaska! They were selling them at Carrs-Safeway a few years ago.They are TASTY, as are the prickly pears once you wear gloves and pick them and split them and take out their seeds and juice them (I did that when I was in AZ.)

    Now I am hungry.

  7. I've only seen houseplant-type cactus bloom. These are spectacular because of the contrast. I'd love to visit Palm Springs again. Especially in the spring.

  8. I can see there here in Northridge and Glendale too! :)


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