Saturday, May 9, 2009

Rick's Roadshow: Italy Day 3: More from Bologna

Welcome to another installment of Rick's Roadshow from Bologna, Italy. The weather has been quite pleasant since our arrival. Warm, sunny days in the 80's and mild evenings in the low 60's. A soft, gentle breeze provides enough air movement to make it pleasant to sleep with the windows open. The air is filled with pollen that looks like huge snowflakes or puffs of cotton floating around. There is a tree or plant that is causing the proliferation of these white pollen puffs throughout the city. No matter, it makes for an interesting environment. This photo above left is from Ristorante da Cesari, where we had a fantastic dinner Friday night. Fabulous fresh made tortellini, wonderful caprese salad with fresh buffalo mozarella, and a veal dish that was incredible. If you are ever in Bologna, I highly recommend it for an authentic northern Italian dinner experience where locals like to dine.

above: the restaurant had a massive collection of really old bottles of wine along the walls and ledge along the ceiling. Since these bottles were stored at room temperature standing up, they were just for display, but it was an impressive collection that added tons of character to the dining room.

above: the view from out my hotel window, overlooking the Bologna train station, a busy part of the city's transportation system.

above: Bologna has many great examples of older buildings like this that really add character and a connection to the past.

above: in the evening, the city comes to life with with dramatic lighting.

above: "Due Torri" (or Two Towers) are landmarks in the city built back in the middle ages. They are famous because they both lean, which you can see from this photo above. Italian author Dante Alighieri wrote about them in "The Divine Comedy".

above: The city sidewalks are covered by these colonnade-like arches which have a romantic glow in the evenings.

above: Piazza Maggiore is a hub of excitement in the evenings. The piazza was filled with young people- some dressed in all sorts of costumes, but all were enjoying a variety of happy beverages yielding a festive mood....

above: I snapped a quick photo of the rock band that was performing in the piazza as I strolled through. It was a little too crowded for my taste, but then again I guess I am just getting old. Bologna is a fun city with lots to do, I'm enjoying it in between the business meetings during the daytime. I'll have more from Bologna for you tomorrow, so stay tuned for another installment of Rick's Roadshow from Bologna, Italy. Ciao for now!
-Signore Ricardo Rockhill


  1. Excellent! I am really enjoying your roadshow :)

  2. my blogger friend ivana lives there and i recognize some of these buildings from her blog! enjoy!

    smiles, bee (in podunk!)

  3. I am closing my eyes, and envisioning me there on your roadshow! :)

  4. Oh...I am so envious right now! It all looks so amazing. Have fun and take tons of photos.

  5. I've read all three of your Bologna Posts and enjoyed every moment of them plus all the Fabulous Pictures...It is GREAT that you get to travel as much as you do, rick, And so much of it is connected to work...!
    I looked forward to the rest of your trip, my dear....
    LOVED the Train. It is such a great way to travel to see the Countryside of any place you might be visiting...!


Thank you kindly.