Sunday, May 10, 2009

Rick's Roadshow: Italy Day 4: Zoomark Pet Trade Show

This edition of Rick's Roadshow from Bologna, Italy is a brief post about "Zoomark", the pet trade show I am attending while here in Italy. I've worked in the pet industry for over twelve years, and know most vendors with the pet industry quite well. While Zoomark is primarily geared toward European vendors and retailers, there were several American vendors with whom I do business exhibiting here in Bologna. In general, I was able to move through this show largely unnoticed, as most of the European vendors are not aware of my company. All day long, I attempted to engage in conversations with vendors, using the worst possible version of Italian humanly possible. At some point they would ask: "Avete un negozio di animali?"(Do you have a pet shop?)" and I would reply: "Si, lavoro per il pet-co" (Yes, I work for pet-co). They would make a face and stare back at me, having no idea who my company is. I would explain, we have 1,000 stores across the USA, and then they would perk up. Still, it is nice to be able to move around in relative obscurity- something I am unable to do at any domestic pet industry trade show. I usually get hounded by every vendor to "stop by when you get a chance". Anyway, I found the show to be a good learning experience and a chance to observe emerging trends that will eventually make their way to the US market. My job is to get them here first. Since I know one of my evil competitors follows this blog from time to time, I will refrain from showing any of the really nifty things I saw at the show (frankly it would bore you to tears anyway). Instead, here are a few fun photos of the lighter side of the Zoomark show. Click on the photos to biggify...

above: the show is for pet industry professionals and is closed to the public. Despite this, the entrance to the show has animal-shaped topiary plants and fun elements.

above: How about this fake dog model, pretty in pink? Or this cute dog who was shaved down...

above: I saw lots of poodles here (or "Barboncino" as they are called in Italian). At left is a standard poodle and right is a miniature poodle. I miss Sheldon!
above: these flowers are actually cat furniture! Fun stuff huh? Well that's all for my coverage of the Zoomark pet trade show in Bologna, Italy. I hope you enjoyed this edition of Rick's Roadshow. Join me again as I continue from Rome...stay tuned!
-Signore Ricardo Rockhill


  1. I love the cat flowers!! They are much better than any cat furniture I've ever seen!

  2. lucky duck!!! ha ha ha...

    enjoy rome.

    smiles, bee


Thank you kindly.