Thursday, June 4, 2009

A Few Words About Palm Springs

Being the Palm Springs Savant, I receive a lot of e-mails from people across the US and from around the world asking all sorts of questions about Palm Springs. Usually they ask about visiting the desert, my favorite restaurants, famous people I know, and where to go sight-seeing of celebrity homes. I often tell people that one of the reasons famous people have been coming to Palm Springs for years is to escape the spotlight. Many celebrities still come to our desert and stay in a private home, or sequester themselves in exclusive boutique hotel in the area. Whenever I've taken someone famous out to dinner in Palm Springs, they are always relieved when locals allow them to relax and enjoy their dinner in peace. Our desert valley offers serene mountain views, natural beauty and wonderful dry warm weather. Whether you soak in the minerals of a natural hot spring, or partake in a healing mud bath at a local spa, you can really appreciate all our desert has to offer. It's no wonder we see the top stars of Hollywood visiting our city. I've had the pleasure of spending time with the likes of Anne Hathaway, Queen Latifah, Brad Pitt, Paula Abdul, Linda Blair, Vanessa Hudgens, Sean Penn, Dick Van Patten, Dustin Hoffman, Bruce Willis and many others. Whether I've spent a weekend, a dinner or just a cocktail, the one common thing I have heard from all these people is how relaxed they feel in Palm Springs. I couldn't agree more. Except I didn't need a celebrity to tell me what I already knew. I hope you have an opportunity to visit our beautiful desert someday. And if you do, you know who to call.
-Rick Rockhill


  1. I sure do! You'd be the first, Rick.

  2. you'll be my very first call rick!

    smiles, bee

  3. Palm Springs is very relaxing, I must agree and I am overdue to visit very soon! I'm getting a bit tired of hanging out with all my L.A. celebs, so it's time to go out into the desert and live it up out there!

    Oh to remember that resort and all that nude swimming I did...

  4. How true everything you said about Palm Springs is, Rick. I've had the pleasure of visiting 3 or 4 times and it's one of the most beautiful places in the US. I love the hot sun, but no humidity and the cool nights. Not to mention the mountain views all around.
    I think I'm feeling another visit coming on in my near future!

  5. Oh that mud bath sounds perfect right about now!

  6. Over these many many years of living in Los Angeles---and even before--I ALWAYS found that as I drove towards Palm Springs or Desert Hot Springs, or La Quinta, body would start to relax as soon as I felt 'the desert' around me....And by the time I would get to my destination, I already felt like a different person....There is something Hypnotic about The a Great Great way. And the BEAUTY of the Mountains and the sun and shadows on the is like a great massage.

  7. I will know who to call. Thanks for letting us into the Palm Springs lifestyle.


Thank you kindly.