Monday, June 22, 2009

Pet Food Industry Magazine Article

I'm off for some business travel for a few days. In the meantime, if you'd care to read a riveting article I wrote for the June issue of Pet Food Industry magazine, click here. It goes for several pages so prepare yourself with a comfortable chair. When you click through, look at the top of the webpage for the "forward arrow" to see the next page of the article.
Thanks for stopping by, see you tomorrow with an update from Nashville, TN!
-Rick Rockhill


  1. Have fun in Nashville--it's such a beautiful city!! :)


  2. The article is good, Rick. I liked how it pulls out your suggestions and is easy to read. Kudos!

    My daughter-in-law was managing editor of Fancy Food Magazine before motherhood and still writes free-lance articles for the people food industry. She loved her work. If you ever hear of anyone looking for a great free-lance writer (University of Missouri journalism grad too), I can give you her info.

    Hope the Nashville trip is good. You know it's hot down there, don't you? My younger son is flying there next weekend to visit friends.

  3. Rick,. when I tried to make it large enough to read, the print got fuzzy.

  4. congrats on being published, a noteworthy accomplishment!

  5. Terrific article. It is so hard to decifer what to feed your dog. So many brands, I choose Wellness Fish and Sweet Potatoe, but bake them cookies here at home.
    Great writing ~ as always!

    have fun in the South! y'all come back now ya hear! :)


Thank you kindly.