Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Rick's Roadshow: Franklin, Tennessee

Welcome to a new edition of Rick's Roadshow: Franklin, Tennessee. I'm on the road for a few days on business with lots going on, so not a lot of time to blog I'm afraid. The flight in was uneventful-the way I like 'em. It sure is humid and sticky here in our nation's south. Yikes! I believe Lois and Hank live here in the Nashville area...wish I had time for a meet 'n greet. Went to a neat restaurant for dinner, called the Boxwood Bistro, which I recommend if you are in the area, it is delicious and had great service. When i arrived in town, we drove through scenic Main Street Franklin, which is quite charming. Lots of well maintained old buildings with character. Driving through the older part of Franklin is easy on the eyes; rolling green countryside, lovely homes and subtle reminders of southern life. It was a great first day for Rick's Roadshow. I spend tomorrow in Tennessee...maybe I'll have time for another post, so stay tuned for more from Rick's Roadshow.
-Rick Rockhill


  1. Did you take that photo? It should be a postcard!! A quintessential old southern town.

  2. My son is traveling for us on business -- he's is Pascagoula, MS where it's about 104. Then he's on to LA! Enjoy your tour!

  3. Franklin?? The only thing I've heard about Franklin is the large Christian church that a lot of Christian and Country artists attend. Now, there's a piece of history!

  4. Looking good! And I am looking forward to some more pic's :)

  5. I'm sick taht I missed you... But you know what's going on. I did keep my eyes peeled as I dropped hubby off at the airport this morning.

    I used to live in Franklin when I had my house. Now I do the highrise thing.

    I see you met Reba. She is a tiny thing...

    They didn't take you to downtown Nash-vegas to all the honky tonks? Count yourself lucky.

    Let me know the next time you're visiting and I'll do my darndest to stay out of the hospital then...LOL!

  6. Believe it or not, I think I know someone from Franklin, TN.


Thank you kindly.