Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Rick's Roadshow: Nashville, Tennessee

Welcome to day two of Rick's Roadshow: Nashville, Tennessee. It was a day full day of meetings, with no time at all to take more photos or have fun exploring. No matter, afterall this IS a work trip. However...early in the morning I ran into one of my famous author friends, the talented and charming Harrison Forbes, who has been busy promoting his book "Dog Talk" across the country. Harrison is also host of "Pet Talk", the nationally syndicated radio talk show about pets. Harrison is from the Nashville area and is a local favorite. He has a big new deal pending for something I can't talk about yet, but it will be blogworthy for sure, so stay tuned! On another note, thought I'd mention that I ran into someone else famous...

Reba McIntyre! She is so tiny...and very sweet too. My camera was packed away so I wasn't able to get a photo together- DARN! It's been a fun trip...stay tuned as Rick's Roadshow continues from St. Louis, Missouri.
-Rick Rockhill


  1. She's a cutie for sure. I always wished I could pull of hair like hers. Red and short...too cute.

    How do you approach the stars you see? Of course the ones you know are different than those you haven't met before...just curious.

  2. Awww, Rick I will just miss you in St Louis by two weeks! I'll be there on the 10th. Have fun and if you need any St Louis help, I'm your girl! :)


  3. Reba appears like she would be a sweetie. I love reading about your road show!

  4. Reba always makes me laugh and she seems so genuine. Europe, TN, the big Arch next!


Thank you kindly.