Friday, June 12, 2009

Poodle Puppies!

It's official. Sheldon has a group of little step-brothers and step-sisters. A few weeks ago his mommy gave birth to a litter of black and brown poodles sired by his uncle. You can see Sheldon's mommy in the photo above left laying down, a proud mother keeping a watchful eye over her brood. Sometime in August, one of these kids will come to live with us and be Sheldon's new little brother or sister. I thought you'd like to see a few photos of them...standard poodle puppies are SO CUTE! I'm only showing a few of the puppies but enjoy!

Sheldon says he can't wait to have a new little brother or sister. I'll keep you posted when we know more!
-Rick Rockhill


  1. Gongratulations on a new puppy! And what a beautiful little things they are :)

    I am getting all broody for a puppy now... *deep sigh*

  2. Karlian- Well thanks, I suppose I shouldn't get too excited until the new puppy is actually here, but I couldn't hide my enthusiasm...

  3. SO adorable!! I can't wait to watch this little one grow up like Sheldon. If I can't have a puppy myself, I can live through you! :)

  4. Okay, they are ridiculously adorable and how beautiful does Sheldon's mommie look back there!! I can't wait to see the pics of Sheldon and his new sibling. Congrats all around!!


  5. PUPPIES!!! So cute....I'm sure Sheldon will make a wonderful older brother! Any names considered, yet?

  6. Memories of warm fuzzies and puppy breath are sweeping over me. How great for you,

  7. sheldon has grown into a fine mandog! so regal...

    smiles, bee

  8. Yeah Sheldon! A new buddy to play with!!!

  9. Congratulations to Sheldon's Mommy....They sure are cute, Rick...And I know you look forward to the day you can bring one of them home...!

  10. Awwww...Great that Sheldon will have a playmate!!! Are you getting a brown one????? Are you getting a male or female? Are you going to mate them?? Inquiring minds want to know!!! :-)

    Congrats and

  11. Todd (whose comment I deleted)- If you log in who you are as a Blogger user, I won't delete your comment. I have no issue with divergent opinions, as long as you allow me to write back to you. You should never judge anyone else. You have no idea what others do to support shelters, volunteer, donate or raise money, pay for spay/neuters, help adopt other animals out or help abandoned animals. Since you don't really know me, it is unfair to throw stones.

  12. ok, now you have hit the #1 blog with those puppy pics!

    awesome :)

  13. got me thinking about the deleted comment now. Anyone who has read your blog for any length of time should know how much you do for the causes of animals.

    That said, I'm thinking Sheldon will now have to share the mirror with his new sibling. How will he adapt to that I wonder? *grin*

  14. Awwww!!! but, Rick, TWO standard poodles?? We only have one and sometimes he's like having THREE!
    Sheldon will love a new brother or sister!

  15. Oh Rick!!! I thought I told you I have this affinity for black dogs of most any breed, but those puppies, sheesh, this might do me in! They are sooooo cute! I want one and I want one NOW! However, it looks like my thoughts about having a dog in the house again are still not gonna happen for quite a while. Oh well. I can watch your puppy grow and enjoy that aspect vicariously, can't I?

  16. Congratulations. That is cute litter.Sheldon has a lo of responsibility there now towards the brothers and sisters...

  17. Mr. Rockhill:

    I am aware of you contributions to the "pet world" however, supporting the breeding community and their HORRIBLE ways is BAD, period. You will not talk your way out of this one. There are ENOUGH pets in shelters, no matter your contribution you should adopt, period! Giving money here and there and schmoozing with "stars" doesn't really do a lot for those shelter animals.

    I have an 11 year old dalmatian who I adopted, after being an adoption counselor. The breeder brought her in because her nose was 1/2 pink (not black) and her toes were crooked. She wasn't show quality...GASP! She is also epileptic and on meds to control it.

    I do realize it is your blog, but it is on the world-wide-web...which means you can locate it via google and many other search engines. So if you don't want opinions other than you own then make it a private blog and invite people you want to share it with. Otherwise adopt from a shelter. if you care to reply

  18. Todd- Thanks for your comment, with your e-mail address. Therefore I am happy to post your opinion. Obviously we disagree on this point, so we'll leave it at that. I will continue to help and support shelters- hands on and not just writing a check. I will continue to rescue animals myself. But if I chose to purchase a dog from a responsible breeder I shall exercise my right to do so, because I love the poodle breed. I fully respect your position as an animal lover too. Thanks for voicing your opinion professionally.

  19. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh! So sweet!!! Those canine babies are adorable!

  20. Todd,

    It is great that you adopted your pet and you were an adoption counselor; I adopted my two cats from a shelter and a cockatiel from a neglectful owner. Isn't it great that we live in a country where individuals can pursue either option? And, you can voice your dissenting opinion on this blog? This is a very positive blog and I am not sure what your motivation was to post such a comment. That being said, perhaps you should consider the old adage: "if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing"...I commend Rick for posting your comments.


Thank you kindly.