Sunday, June 14, 2009

Sunday Art Review: Chinese Sampler

Last night I went to dinner at Wang's In the Desert, a trendy Chinese restaurant in downtown Palm Springs. We've been there before- it was popular when it first opened and actually used to be quite good. These days it seems the quality of food declined slightly and the menu was a bit boring. The atmosphere at Wang's, however is very nice, and served as inspiration for this week's Sunday Art Review: Chinese Sampler. I scoured my usual sources to find art to include in this week's post. I regret to inform you, dear reader that I do not have the corresponding titles or artist details, so please just enjoy these works of art. Think of it as a self guided tour.

above: "Red Flower Tree"

above: "Woman With Flute"

above: "Butterfly and Flower"
above: "Two Birds"

above: "House on Cliff"

above: "Dragon"
Thanks for stopping by the Sunday Art Review. Have a great day!
-Rick Rockhill


  1. I like the first 3 and the landscape. Asian art can be so serene and graceful.

  2. Hello from Wang's in the Desert,
    Thank you for having dinner with us on Saturday 06/13/09. I am sorry you felt your dining experience was different than the last time you dined with us. We just updated our drink menu are in the process of updating our food menu. We pride ourselves in being voted one of the top restaurants in Palm Springs so please feel free to contact me any time with suggestions. We look forward to seeing you again. Alford Harrison, Wang's in the Desert.


Thank you kindly.