Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Incredible Edible Fresh Fruit Arrangement

We had a very nice surprise at work this week. Someone sent us an arrangement of fresh cut fruit on sticks, some dipped in chocolate, some just natural. First of all, it was huge. And when I say huge I mean HUUUUGE. The fruit was so fresh and delicious. Not to mention the three types of chocolate in which some of the fruit had been dipped: rich dark chocolate, creamy milk chocolate and silky white chocolate. Considering the fact that I didn't have breakfast yesterday, a few spears of fresh strawberries, pineapple, and bananas did the trick to hold me over until lunch. I sent an e-mail to my team inviting them to share in the bouquet of fruit, it was largely devoured in no time at all. I must say these Edible Arrangements folks did an amazing job. (As a reminder, this was written for my own sake, and is NOT a paid post.)
-Rick Rockhill


  1. Are you getting harassed about publicizing places that sell things in Palm Springs? That is silly. A place that is delicious and serves people well deserves publicity!

  2. That one looks totally yummy!!!!! I've always wanted to order one "just because"

  3. Kellie- Nope, no one has ever said anything, I just don't want readers to think I'm doing paid posts, it would change the dynamic of the site I think.

  4. I love Edible Arrangements-we had a customer who sent them to us all of the time at my job in CT. They were great! (Especially because I got to put them on MY desk!)

    :) Have a great day Rick!

  5. Delish looking stuff! Now you got me dreaming *deep sigh*

  6. When I went to Pittsburgh, my friend Damsel works right next to one of these. They brought a bunch of extra fruit dipped in chocolate over and omg--it was delicious! I am not a "flowers" kind of girl, but these are fantastic!!


  7. I've always "lusted" after those whenever I see their commercials! I know they are HUGE, though, and there's no way the family and I could consume all of that before it went bad. *sad pout*

  8. Do you still have our address on hand? *waits anxiously by the door, drooling a little*

  9. That is pretty AMAZING! How the fruit doesn't go funny beinh cut up is a miracle. I understand the things dipped in chocolate last i bit longer,but other things....they must get it to the recipient pronto!

  10. That is the largest Edible Arrangement I've ever seen!!! Nice of you to share it with the team...

  11. ya know, i just had lunch and yet somehow i am hungry all over again ;)

  12. OMB, Rick! You've done it again and I thought I told you a while back to stop showing or telling me about the various foods you encounter in your daily life! This basket looks so inviting, so luscious and just begging to be devoured and sooooo making me very hungry right now too!
    Great post even though it has me salivating!

  13. wow that looks so delicious and fresh fruit. i have never seen!! have a great day


Thank you kindly.