Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Meeting Blogger Friend Kathy in La Jolla

Some of you may be familiar with Kathy's Peace, one of the blogs I regularly read and consider part of my top five favorites. I particularly enjoy following the progress of her wonderful garden back in Maryland, which is quite beautiful. Kathy and her husband are in San Diego this week, so I was able to meet Kathy for lunch yesterday. We exchanged a few e-mails and at first it didn't seem like our schedules would align. As luck would have it, my business lunch cancelled at the last minute and I was free to meet Kathy. We went to lunch at La Valencia hotel in scenic La Jolla. We enjoyed lunch with a stunning view overlooking the Pacific Ocean, with a periodic soft breeze that provided relief on a warm summer's afternoon. It is always such fun to meet a fellow blogger; we spent a bit of time chatting about the blogging world, but quickly moved onto our own lives, families and normal things friends discuss over lunch. You can all sleep much better tonight knowing that Kathy and I solved all the world's problems.

above: For lunch I had this delicious Orecchiette pasta with spinach, broccolini, tomatoes and fresh cheese.

above: Kathy had the sauteed petrale sole, with basmati rice and grapefruit slices. It was a fun afternoon; Kathy is a lovely person with whom I hope to remain friends for a long time! If you have a moment, stop on over to Kathy's blog and say hello, you'll be glad you did.
-Rick Rockhill


  1. It's always a treat to meet fellow bloggers...


  2. What fun, I have not met a fellow blogger yet

  3. i love meeting bloggers! hope to meet you too one day rick...

    smiles, bee

  4. Maybe one day you and I will have a picture, and subsequent post, together. As for that pasta....I need some NOW! It looks delicious.

  5. Indeed! What fun it would be to meet few fellow bloggers. So when you are next in London town Mr Rockhill, let's do afternoon tea :)

  6. so glad you and Kathy figured out the world!

    What a beautiful place, La Jolla I love it there. Lunch looks wonderful too.

    I have met only a couple of bloggers so far, it is really nice to meet in person.

  7. I had a terrific time yesterday! And we really did solved all the world's problems, didn't we? Now if we can only get everyone to listen to us... :)
    Actually meeting blogger friends is more than a treat; it's a blessing. I look forward to seeing you again.

  8. How wonderful that you and Kathy had the chance to meet. I love meeting fellow bloggers--what a good time!


    P.S. Sheldon swam fabulously! I'm so proud!!

  9. Meeting other bloggers is always fun!! Glad you and Kathy had a good time.

  10. I'm sad that you and I didn't get to meet this past May. Maybe on our next trip out, I'll make definite plans with you so that I don't screw things up!

  11. How great that you got to meet Kathy....I surely hope we get to meet one day soon, Rick...Especially since we don't live that far apart and you do get to L.A. fairly often...I look forward to that. I too, so enjoy meeting fellow bloggers!

  12. isn't it just so much fun to finally meet a blog pal face to face? i have enjoyed it every single time.

  13. I'm so glad you got to meet my friend Kathy! I hope to meet up with some blogging friends next summer. If only there were more time to vacation and travel so we could meet all of our online friends in person.

  14. How nice that you and Kathy got to meet for lunch. It's always nice meeting blogging friends. Kathy and I live one mile apart and I met her through blogging.


Thank you kindly.