Monday, September 28, 2009

The Adventures of Sheldon & Duncan: A Zen Moment Together

My blog hasn't had a sense of normalcy for awhile. My regular features like the Sunday Art Review, The Saturday Seven and Philatelic Friday have been on temporary hiatus while I have been majorly busy at work. Those features take a fair amount of planning and work to produce. So I thought it was about time for a fresh installment of The Adventures of Sheldon and Duncan. So here goes. I captured A Zen Moment Together, the two boys relaxing by their favorite Chinese room divider at our beach house. To know Sheldon Gryffindor and Duncan Diggory is to know that they rarely have such a quiet moment together. But last night, these two boys seized the moment to actually sit still and enjoy the cool pleasant breeze. After a long hot weekend in the desert, they recognized the difference in the temperature of San Diego compared to Palm Springs. This past Saturday Duncan had his first groom, turning him into a fine young Poodle. He looks so cute, doesn't he? Anyway I thought I'd capture this Zen Moment with the two boys, as it is indeed a rarity. Other than the 18 hours of sleepy-time, the balance of their days are spent running, jumping, rough-housing, playing fetch and Olympic relay races around the house. Earlier on Sunday, back in Palm Springs they staged their own agility course competition bobbing and weaving in between our long row of palm trees along the west side of our property. I never knew Poodles could run so fast. Anyway it was so nice to see the boys relaxing last night that I just HAD to snap this photo. Thanks for stopping by today, I hope you have a great week.
-Rick Rockhill


  1. Sheldon needs a hair barrette to keep his bangs back!

  2. yes rick, they are adorable!!! lucky duck!! ha ha ha

    smiles, bee

  3. You know, San Diego has that calming, Zen-like effect on me, too. I think I need another trip there. *grin*

    Don't know if you had the heat flare back up in PS, but we did this weekend. By the end of the week, though, I think we're FINALLY going to get our weather break. I'm hoping!

    I'm thinking, though, that with all of the energy the two boys have, it's a great thing they have each other. They keep each other occupied, and you don't have to spend all your time at home trying to keep them amused.

  4. They also look so pleased to have their photograph taken!

  5. Thanks for sharing that photo of your boys. They are so cute Rick! My grandparents used to have a black poodle.

  6. the little fellow is getting so big already! adorable brother photo there :)

  7. Good job in catching them in such a dignified pose. They are fine-looking dogs. I'll bet they are fun together. Watching dogs play and run together is so fun--I really miss having a dog.

  8. I adore poodles! I love watching the relays races, too. We call it the doggie olympics in our house :)
    Great photo, Rick.


Thank you kindly.