Friday, October 2, 2009

A Mean Old Ugly Spider

Check out this mean-old-ugly-spider. I saw him the other day while out walking the kids. I nearly had a heart attack when I saw him, because my arm was swinging and I almost put my hand right into his web. You see, I loathe spiders. I mean really hate them. However that didn't stop me from running to get my camera to snap this photo for you. (What I won't do for this blog). I hope you aren't too grossed out by it. I thought it was a fitting start to the month of October. Yes, Halloween is just 29 days away, so maybe this mean-old-ugly spider is just getting ready for a fright night among ghouls, goblins, witches, vampires and monsters. As long as it doesn't involve me. Happy Friday!
-Rick Rockhill


  1. Oh yea. That's icky. I am fine with outdoor spiders, but if those suckers get into my house and I see them... well, I don't like to promote violence. ;)


    P.S. Sheldon and Duncan are SO adorable in that pic!!

  2. I don't care for them either - regardless of my spider post a week or so ago. That one is truly ugly!!

  3. I'm not crazy about spiders and this is the time of year around here when they're really busy and and their webs visible. I've never seen as many spiders as in Kiawah, SC. Big spiders everywhere. Yuck!

    Duncan looks so grown-up with his new haircut. It makes such a difference! It's amazing how quickly your boys have grown. Sounds like they have great fun together.

  4. I think it is beautiful, but I would of screamed never the less :)

  5. Actually, that 'mean, old, ugly spider' (scariness aside) is quite beautiful! What skeeves me out are slugs and stinkbugs!

  6. In the UK we have seen a rise in spiders this year and they are much bigger and hairier!

  7. That doesn't just look like a mean-old-ugly-spider. It looks like a mean-old-ugly-spider-who-bites.

    Ick. How big was he in real life?

  8. I have a spider fobia, so I had to look at that picture quick! lol

  9. Yep! I'd say you definitely called that shot right -a very ugly old spider, for sure. I hate spiders too -can you tell?

  10. I guess you wouldn't want to see the movie Arachnophobia. That is a creepy spider you encountered. I'll leave them alone if they will leave me alone.

  11. I almost went face first into a huge web last night while I was putting the pups out..I am petrified of the creepy things.
    You are much braver than I could ever be, cuz as you can see, I didn't stop to take a pic!

  12. Ick! Yuck! I can't believe you photographed it, either!


Thank you kindly.