Monday, September 7, 2009

Happy Labor Day To You....

My visit to Rhode Island has been filled with fun family time. I've been enjoying my two little nieces- having fun outside, telling stories, and playing any number of board games that strike their fancy. Speaking of fancy, apparently a story called Fancy Nancy is all the rage with little girls these days (who knew?). Like most girls, they love dress-up, shoes, accessories and all things pink and purple. They sure are fun to spend time with.  
Yesterday I took my grandmother to visit two of her sisters, neither of whom she has seen in several years. It was great to see the look on their faces as they saw each other again. It was also a treat for me to see my aunts and catch up on all the family gossip. It's tough living 3,000 miles away from family, we were all so close when I was growing up. I sure miss everyone. Today I'll be spending Labor Day with my parents, brother, sister-in-law and the nieces just relaxing outside and savoring our time together. Whatever you do today, I hope you enjoy the day as well.
-Rick Rockhill


  1. awwww... your girls are adorable!

    We'll be heading back "home" to Massachusetts following a lunch stop in Hartford. I'll catch you later. I'm sure our paths will cross again.

  2. You should try to see them as often as possible. All my aunts, uncles, parents and grandparents are gone now, and I have no siblings. I'd give anything to see just one of them again.

  3. I lost my comment. Grrrr.

    Try to see them as often as possible, Rick. Mine are all gone now and I miss them terribly.

  4. Growing up here, Labor Day was always the last hurrah of summer with family -my aunts, uncles and cousins being here to visit my grandparents -and of course, me, since I lived with my grandparents. It was always a fun-filled weekend culminating with a visit to a church-sponsored picnic in a little village about 2-3 miles from here. That church picnic, begun in 1875, is still an annual event today and I'll be going out there to stroll around, mingle, hopefully see a few old friends from my youth in the process -just like my oldest uncle always did when I was a young-un, many moons ago!
    Enjoy your family time. Have a great vacation!

  5. Our friend from San Diego is coming East today. We'll have dinner with him before he sets off to work for the week and we head to Florida.
    I think it is a blessing that you could take your grandmother to see her sisters. Do they live far from her?

  6. I hope you are having a great day Rick.
    I am a day early....Happy Birthday!!


Thank you kindly.