Tuesday, September 8, 2009

It's My Birthday And I'll Fly If I Want To...

Today is September 8th, the 251st day of the year, leaving just 114 days remaining until the end of the year. To the best of my knowledge, it isn't widely acknowledged as a date of particular significance, although I did find a few noteworthy points: to some, it is an important day because it is the birth of the Virgin Mary (mother of Jesus). In reviewing Wikipedia, I saw that comedic actors Peter Sellers and Sid Cesar were both born on the 8th of September. The only reason I reflect on this date is to celebrate my birthday. I don't typically care much for birthday parties or the hoop-la, but I'll never pass up a delicious slice of chocolate birthday cake on this date!
Now as you may know, the past few days I've been in Rhode Island visiting family for the long holiday weekend. Last night we took the opportunity to celebrate my birthday while we were all together. My two nieces were thrilled to have an opportunity to have some cake and sing.
Today however, I am flying back to California to return to work. So yes, I'm flying on my birthday and will be back in the office working before the day is out. So while I'd prefer to hang out with my nieces for another day, duty calls and I'm flying back home to Cali. I take back some great memories of a fun weekend together, satisfaction from a long overdue family visit. So, to paraphrase a great oldies song: "It's my birthday and I'll fly if I want to, fly if I want to, fly if I have to. You would fly too if you had to do it too" (work, that is). Hope you have a great day, and thanks for stopping by.
-Rick Rockhill


  1. Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you....yada yada yada...
    (sung in my best singing voice :-)
    Enjoy and be well.

  2. Happy birthday Uncle Ricky!

    Your nieces are adorable!!!!!

  3. oboy cake!!! i mean happy birthday rick! your nieces are beautiful. so is the cake! ha ha ha

    smiles, bee

  4. Happy Birthday Rick!
    Me too, I just came back from the store with a huge chocolate cupcake with whipped butter cream topping. Yep that's the best part of birthdays. I did not know it the birth of the Virgin Mary!

  5. I wish I had known! I would have baked you something rich and chocolate!!! And it is a day of significance: your birthday!
    Your nieces are darling.
    PS I owe you dessert the next time I'm in SD.

  6. Being the Anglophile that you are you might also like to know that September the 8th is the birthday of Richard I (1157-1199): aka Richard the Lionhearted, the third son of Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine. If you have never seen it, rent the movie The Lion in Winter starring Peter O’Toole and Katherine Hepburn as Henry and Eleanor with Anthony Hopkins as Richard.

  7. Happy Birthday Rick!

    you're in between two very wonderful people:
    My mom's bday was yesterday the
    7th, and my baby sister's bday is tomorrow the 9th.
    Happy happy birthday!!!!!


  8. Happy belated birthday Rick! I'm glad you were able to share your time with your nieces and family. :)

  9. I'm so sorry that I'm so late!!!! I haven't been making the blog friend rounds that I should. A very, very happy belated birthday to you, Rick!

  10. Well happy belated Rick Rockhill!

    The nieces look adorable, and glad you got to go to that amazing fun-filled neverending amusement park that is Rhode Island.

  11. Sorry I missed your birthday. Hope it's another great year for you!


Thank you kindly.