Monday, September 14, 2009

My Fantastic Forties....

Now that I'm well into my early 40's I can honestly say that life is in fact better than my thirties. (Well so far anyway). I feel better than I did then; I try to take care of myself by doing the following: stay out of the sun, get my daily allotment of sleep, keep alcohol to a minimum, avoid too many processed foods, take my barrage of vitamins, and supplements (including fish oil), and eat fresh foods and vegetables. Regular readers know I am an advocate of organic foods, primarily to reduce the amout of pesticides I consume. But more recently, I have been particular about certain types of proteins we eat. For example, I now try to eat wild caught salmon, grass-fed beef, free range eggs and free range organic chicken. I've read that grass-fed beef has as many omega 3's as wild caught salmon and is actually pretty good for you. Who knows for sure. If I had just one piece of advice to someone, I'd say eat less processed foods. Anything pre-made, from a box or fast food. Oh and whatever you do, avoid high fructose corn syrup ("HFCS"). It's bad. I mean really bad. Eat regular sugar before HFCS. Don't get me wrong, from time to time I splurge and eat junk food. But I don't let it be part of my regular routine. Pay attention to what you eat. Read labels. If you can't pronounce it, google it. As the saying goes, your body is a temple. Well now you didn't come here for me to lecture you so I'll stop here. Here's hoping for another 41 years- at least! In fact I hope to live to over 100, like my great grandfather Luigi.
-Rick Rockhill


  1. Happy 41...

    Ya know, I'll be hitting my seventh year in the 40s next week and I have to say that although the body changes, I wouldn't trade my mind or life experience for anything.

    now the 50s? I'll reserve comment for that...

  2. excellent advice! oh, and cake of course.

    smiles, bee

  3. I cut trans-fats, artificial sweeteners and HFCS from my diet, then I started cutting out pre-made food, even the organic frozen meals I loved. I cook a lot, I store my food in glass and ceramic, and I don't drink out of plastic.

    Now when I find myself having to eat processed foods or drink out of plastic because of a social occasion or some such, I can taste the difference. It's scary. We're poisoning ourselves in this country and we don't even realize because we've been consuming plastic and preservatives all our lives.

    Even if someone is still young enough to feel immortal, the better taste alone should be enough incentive to eat as close to nature as possible.

    I'm 42 and echo what you say about one's forties. If you've taken care of yourself, it can be better than one's thirties. Guard your health and your happiness! You're worth it!

  4. Glad you're feeling so well -- and thanks for the great advice.

  5. The forties have been good to me too. I fell I have more of a 'clue' on life than I did before.

  6. Yep, my forties are also better than my thirties. I believe it is because I have got more comfortable in my skin and and my self knowledge and respect grow every year passing.

    I like the maturing process :)

  7. I am most happier in my thirties now than my twenties! My 20s were a nightmare of self-discovery and awkwardness, and although I still struggle with certain personal issues, I have to say that life is much easier to deal with now than ever before so I totally understand what you're saying and here's to my forties being as cool as yours have been!

  8. I couldn't agree more... my 40's have been way better than my 30's in mind, body & soul. 2 years shy of 50, I'm looking forward to an even better decade! So Rick, you have a lot more to look forward to! Ciao, a fellow "Ro Dilander"

  9. GOOD FOR YOU, dear Rick....You are doing ALL the right things. What none of us can change though, is our DNA, and it aounds like you have some FABULOUS DNA with your Grandfather.....

  10. i figure venison counts as free range and organic considering we hunt and butcher it ourselves. that said, i do also try to avoid the processed stuff too and the HFCS.


Thank you kindly.