Tuesday, September 15, 2009

TV Shows of the 1960's

I may have been born in the late 60's but I always liked to watch TVshows from the 60's in syndication. I ran across this video montage of TV shows that started their run durig the 1960's. How many did you watch? Check this out...you may as well have a seat, this runs for seven minutes...

Which shows were among your favorites? C'mon, leave a comment.
-Rick Rockhill


  1. Me and my brothers were HUGE Gilligan's Island fans...

  2. i used to have perfect patti duke hair!!!

    smiles, bee

  3. That was alot of fun. The music was perfect. I started counting but I watched alot of those! My biggies were The Monkees, Lost in Space and I dream of Jeannie.

  4. Laugh In, The Smother's Brothers, Dick Van Dyke Show, Andy Griffith, Hogan's Heros, Get Smart -were among my favorite fare. I still watch Hogan's Hero's when I can on TV-Land! And I would watch Laugh In or the Smothers Brothers too again if they were ever re-broadcast today.

  5. My buds and I were watching late night TV and they were showing a "Roseanne" rerun where they spoofed "Gilligan's Island" and it was pretty hilarious.

  6. OMG what a great video!!! I remember them all...except that I never heard of Land of the Giants...I loved the Adams Family, The Fugitive and Dr. Kildaire!!!
    Thanks for sharing this!

    P.S. I can't stand the Brady Bunch....

  7. Watched almost all of these! Mission Impossible was a phenomenal show.

  8. I loved Gidget,and The Courtship of Eddies Father,and any Lucy show..Laugh In always kind of freaked me out though. Must have been all of the bright colours.

  9. Well, I'll have to come back, my dear Rick...I'm needed elsewhere before Seben Minutes...But I promise you, I WILL BE BACK!

  10. Oh! And I forgot to say...Dear Henry Gibson, from LAUGH IN, just left us...So Very Sad....He was so incredibly talented!
    LORD! Too many deaths of really dear talented people....(Mary Travers, too...)

  11. >>"you may as well have a seat, this runs for seven minutes.."

    Thanks SO MUCH for the warning, given that I always stand at my computer for hours on end perusing blogs.

  12. I remember most of them, and watched many . Didn't watch "Twilight Zone". Don't remember "The Prisoner", "Combat" or "Time Tunnel". Loved "Mission Impossible" and "Hawaii 50". "Book him, Dano"!

  13. oh how to even pick among all those! some i loved, others i had forgotten. lots and lots of fun in that list though.

    love me some laugh-in and smothers brothers, even now ;)

  14. Except for Voyage to Bottom of Sea and David and Goliath, I watched them all! They left out Leave it to Beaver and Here Come the Brides (I think that one was still '60s), Captain Kangaroo, Top cat, The Flintstones, The Outer Limits, Sugar Foot, Wagontrain, have Gun Will Travel....my era age 3 to 13, our TV was new and WONDERFUL. (I also read MANY books...how DID I do it all?) Oh, The Green Hornet too! My fave? Andy Griffith (It missed Perry Mason too) and Leave it to Beaver.) At 52 I still watch some of these classics in reruns.


Thank you kindly.