Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Rick's Roadshow: Chicago

Rick's Roadshow continues from Chicago, Illinois. I left Orlando amid heavy downpours mixed with loud thunder and scary lightning bolts crashing everywhere. I seriously wondered if our plane would be able to take off, but the pilot wasn't even phased. I arrived in Chicago quite late, to somewhat chilly temperatures (60's) but compared to the crazyhot humid weather in Orlando, Chicago felt cold to me. In fact once in my hotel room I cranked up the heat! I seriously doubt I'll have much to report from Chicago, as I'm completely tied up in meetings and won't get out at all. But rest assured- if I do, you'll find out right here. Hope you have a great Wednesday, I know I will.
-Rick Rockhill


  1. Isn't that amazing that you would go from such HOT & HUMID weather, to COLD! It's only Sept.2....Has Fall/Winter come to Chicago already??
    And here it is in the upper 90's and three digits....OY!

  2. Safe travels, my friend.

  3. I hope you get a chance to enjoy Chicago - it's a great city (as you probably know).

  4. Wonderfully cool here, too. For the first time all summer, we've been able to sleep with the windows open!! I hope you at lest get to take a walk along Lake Michigan!

  5. I'm not a good flyer, and storms make me even more nervous. I'm glad you got to Chicago safely!

  6. Hope you get to enjoy Chicago. So many things to do and see there!


Thank you kindly.