Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Rick's Roadshow: Orlando in August, Day 2

Welcome back to Rick's Roadshow: Orlando in August, Day 2. After spending Sunday exploring the Gaylord Palms Resort, Monday brought work obligations that needed tending to. As this is a personal blog, I rarely write about work, so I shall skip over what I did- but suffice to say I worked! I did have a few moments to snap these photos, once again within the Gaylord Palms property. For those of you unfamilar with this resort, they have live, lush tropical gardens inside the biodome of the hotel. Palm trees, tropical foliage, flowers, rocks, ponds, flowing rivers and waterfalls too. But perhaps the most captivating  attraction is "Gator Springs". Yep, you guessed it. Gator as in alligators. And so I present, photos from Gator Springs, direct from the Gaylord Palms in Orlando:
above: The Gator Springs sign post welcomes visitors to the exhibit.
above: As you gaze through the cascading waterfalls, you get a sense of what awaits...
above: a deeper look within the Springs reveals a rock island in the center of the water...it seems like the surface of the rock is moving...
above: at closer examination you see the myriad of baby alligators!
above: I zoomed in a bit. There are turtles lounging among the alligators- who knew anything could get along with an alligator?

above: This one baby alligator swam up to me to say hi...or was it to see if he could get a bite? Either way I wasn't about to find out. I kept my distance and hurried on my way to my next meeting. That was just about the right amount of exposure to Gator Springs that I wanted for a lifetime, thank you very much! Well that's all for today's installment. I'm in Orlando all day today, and then fly out to Chicago late tonight, so Rick's Roadshow continues....
-Rick Rockhill


  1. Gators and Crocs just fascinate me. When we took hubby's girls to the Everglades we had the best time trying to spot them on the sides of the road (in "Alligator Alley")

    I hope you get to enjoy some of your trip. I know it's work, but surely you have a wee bit of time for fun!!!!!

  2. they are creepy aren't they?

    smiles, bee

  3. Alligators skeeve me out!!!! Remind me to tell you about the time I traveled across Alligator Alley. However, I am particularly partial to turtles. Who knew they wouldn't be eaten, too!

  4. Hi!

    We have a great Opryland resort in Nashville if you are ever in town. Wonderful, lush foliage and waterways, waterfalls, and a boatride. Nothing but koi, however. Make sure you stop by if you are ever in town.

    Enjoyed the photos.

    Nina in Nashville

  5. Please do not bring back pneumonia like everyone did last time we stayed there in 2006. The office thanks you. ;)

  6. Lisa- Believe me, I washed my hands CONSTANTLY and tried to breathe through my nose as much as possible. I was determined not to get sick from all that recycled air!

  7. Well, that is pretty amazing, Rick. To think these guys are ALL indoors, really...I think I might want to explore that whole things a bit longer....! Very very Interesting


Thank you kindly.