Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Aegean Sea Cruise: All Good Things Come to an End

Today is the final installment of my Aegean Sea Cruise blog series. It has been a terrific cruise- everything you hope for in a vacation. I spent most of yesterday relaxing, napping and reading. In fact I finally finished the book I had been reading, so I was especially pleased with myself. At dinner we said our farewells to table-mates, with whom we've dined nearly every night for the past two weeks. I went back to my cabin to finish packing and just chill out. John went to the final show of passenger Idol, the singing contest. Someone we met on the cruise had entered and made it all the way to the finals, but frankly I was sleepy and just wanted to relax on my own balcony. It was my own personal slice of paradise on the ship. Each morning room service would bring a pot of coffee, fresh croissants, a bowl of mixed berries, hard boiled eggs, and perhaps a grapefruit. It was a perfect way to start the day, with the sound of the ocean and a beautiful sunrise.

above: I relaxed in the ship's atrium, as it was a bit breezy on deck
above: Bruna, our cocktail waitress from Brazil made fab martinis. She made cocktail hour fun and memorable.
A Quick Video from Mykonos

above: I forgot to upload this little video from Mykonos. It was from last week, but I thought it would be nice to show you how beautiful it is.
And Finally...

above: a fabulous sunset we saw one evening from the ship, it seemed like a fitting end to this cruise post series.
Well, this cruise is now over. We're back in Rome today so its a great way to unwind before flying back to Palm Springs. Thanks for reading these past two weeks!
-Rick Rockhill


  1. Thank you for all the reports!
    Egypt and Turkey good but I have fallen in love with Greece a long time ago and it is so nice to see someone else doing it too :)

  2. Breakfast on the balcony? Heavenly! Thanks for taking us along!

  3. fab cruise rick!!! simply the best...

    smiles, bee

  4. Thanks for taking us on your wonderful cruise. I could eat breakfast like that in that place every day and not get tired of it!
    The sunset is magnificent!

  5. 1. Nice legs!!
    2. I traveled vicariously with you and shared the postings with my husband.

  6. Kathy- I hope it convinced your husband to take you on a cruise soon!

  7. Did I ever tell you I was in the Navy? The real one. It's true.

    I was onboard the USS Fanning FF1076 for 3.5 years and we spent a LOT of time at sea. Your top photo from the balcony brought back some memories - not that I was able to kick back with a cheese and fruit plate with a good book though. I was typically up on deck wearing a jacket to combat the elements if it was cold, which it usually was.

    I spent a lot of time as a forward lookout. A LOT OF TIME. Sunsets at sea are beautiful and I miss them.

    I haven't been out on the ocean like that since 1982, when I got out. I've flown over it, but I've not had the privilege of smelling that delicious smell of the sea and feeling that salty breeze tossle my hair.

    I think my point is.. sure, it's nice if you're on your private balcony without a care in the world, but it's nice too even if you have to stay up on top of the signal bridge for another hour because you have the watch.

    You have a huge pair of binoculars strapped around your neck and you're bundled up against the lashing wind, and by golly if you miss that ship contact on the horizon, there will be hell to pay!

    But it's still heaven.

    I've enjoyed your land tours in this series, but I've really enjoyed the at-sea accounts.

    Someday again, maybe. I hope.

  8. There just nothing like the times spent on the verandah....with a coffee or meal. The water, the sky, the just cannot be replicated.

  9. That sunset is BRILLIANT. love it.
    I have enjoyed your Holiday reports. And all of your amazing photos. Thanks for sharing it with us. And the video is beautiful.

  10. Uh, Rick -I think you got something backwards here. It is us who should be thanking you for providing us with a personal tour of the Mediterranean Sea and the many ports you visited. What awesome views you presented to all of us here over these past two weeks. Simply superb!

  11. that is one of the most breathtaking sunset shots i've ever seen.

  12. OMG It looks fabulous! I can't wait to get there!


  13. Holy Cruisin'!! That is one hot waitress! Where do I sign up for that boat? Oh, yeah, nice trip. I wonder, in past years travelers would have friends over to show photos to, will PS Savant do that? You must have hundreds....or do they live on a chip. Ship to chip? WEll,either way, memories to last a lifetime. Thanks for taking time off to share with us.

  14. I've been following your Twitter updates. Thanks for doing that! I just love all this account of your trip. Job well done!
    By the way, I love your ascots. I gave this blog a plus Over here.

  15. What a trip, my dear! It certainly sounds like it was perfection, in every way! I've so enjoyed reading your posts and seeing all the wonderful pictures....All places I have never been---INCLUDING, the Cruise Ship....! THanks for sharing this with all of us, Rick.

    BTW: I agree with you about the last Halloween display---Very Very imaginative and fun...Not really ghoulish....!

  16. Hi Rick!

    What an amazing cruise. Thanks for sharing it and that sunset is truly the most beautiful!


  17. Ah Greece...

    Once upon a time a lovely place where the human body was at peak perfection, where men mentored the young--the great army of Sparta, those abs, those masculine near-perfect specimens...

    I better stop now.


Thank you kindly.