Friday, October 30, 2009

Generation Natural Pet is up and running....

In my spare time, I've been contributing to a new site on Facebook called Generation Natural Pet. It's a site for people who want the best for their pets and want to hear and learn from other pet parents, share information etc. The site's mission is "to promote and celebrate optimal pet health and happiness through Natural, Organic and Holistic Products." I'm a member of The Generation Natural Pet Council along with others who are contributing information and ideas to help other pet parents learn how to help their pets live longer, happier and healthier lives with natural pet products. Don't worry, it is not a site selling anything- it's a fan site for fun and sharing. So if you have a pet and want to join it, please go to our new Generation Natural Pet site on facebook, become a fan and have some fun. Right now we're running a contest to find the pet with the shiniest coat. All you need to do is upload a photo of your pet and you are entered to win a $200 gift certificate. So what are you waiting for? Hope to see you over there soon.
-Rick Rockhill


  1. Sounds like you're having a successful product launch. Awesome!

    I can't post a pic of hubby? Bwahahahaahaha!

  2. I'm hoping Bee becomes a fan and posts a photo of flat jeter.

  3. I've got to go take a picture of Azrielle!

  4. i was just going to say can flat jeter play? ha ha ha

    smiles, bee

  5. I am signed up with the Generation Natural Pet, and like the updates and info I receive over there at FB<>

  6. Louie is not that shiny because he hikes 90 minutes a day! He picks up all sorts of stuff in his coat and I have to bathe him every Saturday and brush him in between! Here's a photo with him, his pack and his pro-dog walker.

  7. Good luck, Doug!I know you will have great success! Bow wow!


Thank you kindly.