Saturday, October 15, 2011

Living in the Moment

As most people do when they reach a certain age, I’ve become more introspective and self-aware. Evaluating personal goals, re-affirming what matters most in one’s life and ensuring priorities are correct become paramount.  I’ve always had a touch of melancholy even as a kid—people have long told me I’m an “old soul” but for years I never knew what that meant. My background as a Christian has not prevented me from being a student of world religions. I enjoy learning about how other faiths and cultures view one's purpose in Today I like to think of myself as somewhat of a Buddhist apprentice. The Dalai Lama has written that Buddhists believe the main purpose in life is to be happy. Seems reasonable, doesn't it?
I will always remain Christian, it is part of who I am. Yet I opened my mind to accept other points of view on the matter of life. I firmly believe that we go around a few times on our journey…our path to enlightenment. I have no problem with the possibility that one can be on the same journey to Heaven by practicing faiths across a few lifetimes. That being said, I’d like to go back to where I started.  I have no idea whether this is my first life or I’ve been here before, but one thing I do know: I want to  make the most of this life.  That’s where the priorities part comes in. I’m thoroughly blessed and grateful for everything the Universe has provided.  I am grateful to feel as though life has taught me many important lessons early on, so now I reap benefits of those life lessons.

So what does matter most? Well, to me, it comes down to living in the moment. Enjoy this very moment. Being content, appreciative for what one has- regardless of how much-- or how little. Even when one is going through a difficult situation (you name it), there is always something to appreciate, if you know where to look.

So where does one look? It’s easy. No travel required. No money is necessary. No other person get it for you. It is within each one of us. Learning to look inward for satisfaction, fulfillment and happiness is one of the greatest lessons in life.

During one of my radio shows recently I was talking about this when a listener called in with a question. ‘Suzie’ explained she understood my point about looking inward, but as much as she did, she saw nothing.  I asked ‘Suzie’ what she felt she was good at (hobbies, etc). She replied that she was good at gardening. “And do you enjoy gardening?” I asked. “Yes”, she said, “very much”. I pointed out that part of living in the moment is appreciating the gifts you have. For some people, having a green thumb is very satisfying. Finding as many of those things about yourself is what it is all about.  Interestingly, the next caller was a blind woman who called in to say that although she was blind, she was grateful for mobility. Being blind wasn’t an obstacle for, especially since she has a guide dog. Having legs that work, she told me were a true gift because with her guide dog she was able to get out of the house and explore the world whenever she wanted.

It was the perfect way to wrap up my show that day. It also served as a reminder to me, yet again about how easy it is to find happiness within.  Regardless of your age or personal situations going on, try your best to get your priorities in line. Live in the moment, take time every day to appreciate what you have and do what matters most. It’s amazing how unimportant everything else suddenly becomes.


  1. Family, friends and my faith have always been the things I cherish. But, when I was diagnosed 8 years ago this past spring with cancer, it changed my perspective greatly and now, those two things are even higher on my priority list and my views overall have changed greatly too that each day -rain or shine -is a gift from God to be treasured.

  2. While I was in an Edgar Cayce Study Group many years ago, we had two members who practiced meaningful Presence when they did anything, especially gardening and cooking. Their point was that if you do those things with prayerful awareness, that the resulting foods would be more nourishing to the body. Whether they were, or not, is a matter of debate. The point was that it made them happy to do that and I maintain that doing what makes you happy (within moral and ethical frameworks) is good!

  3. This is a wonderful post. I wish I could really live in the moment. I try, but I always tend to think about what's next (more, actually, than I think about the past). I've got to learn to stop that.

  4. Yeah, I've always appreciated what I got...I do think I am happy...but lately...maybe I will go Morman or something.


Thank you kindly.