Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Adventures of Sheldon & Duncan: Before & After The Groomer

Before the Groomer Visit
The Adventures of Sheldon and Duncan continue once again with a fresh installment. It was a perfect Autumn morning in Palm Springs, bright sunshine, yet cool enough to run around in the yard like total maniacs. Duncan raced out the door to go potty, Sheldon just inches behind. Their usual spot for morning relief was waiting as always. Duncan's favorite lamp post received its daily does of yellow rain. Sheldon was still searching for just the right spot. There was no time to dawdle. I had things to do and places to go, but I know better than to rush Sheldon Gryffindor. All in his own sweet time. Something in the pencil tree caught my eye, so my attention was diverted from the poodles for a few moments. Suddenly both of them came charging around the corner smiling broadly.

I asked them both, in my best pitch if they wanted to go the grooming salon today. Their ears perked up as they cocked their heads in unison. Tails began to wag hurriedly, as they made their way back into the house. Just the jingling of my keys was all that was necessary to rally them to the front door- they were ready to head out. They climbed into the car and waiting impatiently- stomping their front feet in expectation of a day of fun and frolicking at the groomer's with all the other dogs. Take a look at the photo of them above, neither were too shaggy, but both needed a good brush and fluff. When we arrived at the salon, they quickly disappeared behind the counter and quickly forgot all about me, opting instead for their canine buddies.

riding home after the groomer's
After work that day I returned home to pick them up from the salon. I waited to hear a report card from Pat, the salon owner. Pat loves both Duncan and Sheldon, she's a poodle person anyway. She proceeded to inform me that Duncan spent most of the day sitting on her lap or table platform as she groomed other dogs. He likes to be the center of attention, so that was a good place to be I suppose. She told me Duncan even knew to stand up when smaller dogs needed to walk past him, the really tiny dogs were able to walk underneath him as he stood up, then returning to a seated position once he saw the small dogs in place. 

After the Groomers, all clean & fluffy!
They were both thrilled to see me when I walked in, which always makes me feel better than the abandonment when I drop them off. They were supercharged--feeling clean, fresh and fluffed, and they knew it. Sheldon in particular paused to admire himself when he passed by the mirror. That dog has quite a personality. Maybe that's why he has his own Twitter account @SheldonGryffin . 

Back home, they charged into the house, where Owen scattered as he heard his brothers galloping in the foyer. Everything was back to normal at home, once again.


  1. I SO love Sheldon & Duncan stories! I especially love the visual of the little dogs walking under Duncan.


Thank you kindly.