Tuesday, October 11, 2011

I've Been Writing and Writing and Writing

For the past few years I've been working on writing a book. Well make that a few books. Writing has always come easily to me. As a kid I enjoyed writing so much I maintained a journal. Through school, I loved my typewriter. Then in college I made the switch to a computer-thingy. These days of course I'm a Mac Book guy and still enjoy writing. 

The book(s) I've been writing (I use that term 'book' loosely) are still very much rough draft concepts, yet I know that among the hundreds of pages are a subset text that will one day rise from the file and become a reality. One of my life goals is to publish a few books pertaining to self-motivation, and turning dreams into reality. Yesterday I wrote a post about the power of positive thinking. Those concepts have guided me through life since I was "knee-high to a grasshopper", so it is hardly a surprise to me that I am still drawn to these basic truths. 

I expect that I will continue to write around this subject matter until the moment is right; when the time comes I'll know it. Just the other night I awakened from a deep sleep with an idea of someone with whom I could partner on a book concept. Not sure exactly why that person's name came to me while asleep, but I'll never question it. I sent her an e-mail the next day to see where it may lead. Until then, I'll continue writing and writing and writing...


  1. i didn't get the email! oh. wait. never mind...

    smiles, bee

  2. Hee Hee Bee, you always make me smile ;-)

  3. I would gladly buy any book you write-how exciting! Good luck Rick. I can't wait to watch this unfold.

  4. I'm glad someone's been working on their writing! I've abandoned mine for more pressing duties. Sigh....

  5. Rick - I'll read any book you endeavor to write. You had my heart at our first hug. Be well always my friend. Mary

  6. Rick - I'll read anything you endeavor to write. You had my heart at our first hug. Be well always my friend. Mary


Thank you kindly.