Monday, October 10, 2011

With Our Thoughts We Make Our World

About ten years ago, when I first moved to Palm Springs I had been living in San Diego for a few years. I can't truly say I was unhappy, because San Diego is a fantastic place on many levels. However I knew it was not where I wanted to hang my hat and settle in. Back then, the reality I knew was that my employer was in San Diego; my career going very well, and life- as I knew it- revolved around work. It wasn't all that bad actually. Yet I recognized there was something missing. Not so much material things, it was really about how I was spending my free time and LIVING.

I'll spare all the details- those belong more in the pages of a book than a blog post. But suffice to say I had an epiphany one weekend that the center of my universe was about to shift away from San Diego to a pleasant desert community about two hours away. It seemed crazy. Work was in San Diego, "I CAN'T" go there, I thought. But quickly those negative thoughts were replaced by an understanding that "I CAN". Yes, certain sacrifices would be made, with an eye toward the future. Yes, a few mistakes might have been made along the way, but none that interfered with the vision of the world I wanted.

When the relocation to Palm Springs happened, it didn't take long for the Universe to respond--in spades. Within a short time, my life was filled with the very things that were missing just a few weeks prior. That change initiated a series of actions that have affected me (positively) ever since. I remember a time when I thought I was "stuck" in San Diego, yet once I shifted my mind I found a reality of how to move my world.

Back then, I didn't understand the power of positive thinking, or how our thoughts can affect us. I like to describe it as a combination of prayer and positive thinking. Prayer is a very powerful force. The act of acknowledging a Higher Power and directing one's thoughts and mind toward that can be incredibly effective.

Today I am blessed with a life that is just what I envisioned. To achieve that is very fortunate indeed. The road of life is filled with many twists and turns, some painful and full of sadness. Yet how we handle those twists in the road, how we think about them, makes all the difference. The energy we expend with our thoughts is like a "cause and effect". So regardless of your current situation, your current reality, or the current "world in which you live", always remember that with our thoughts we make our world.

If you are reading this, chances are you, or someone else you know may need this message. Feel free to share it as needed. If it sparks a thought to just one person, it was worth the time it took to type this post. But in truth, I already know it is.
You are welcome to hear more on this topic from my radio radio show clicking here.


  1. i completely agree rick! that's why we moved to florida in 1981, new jobs, new schools for children, all of it and i have not been sorry at all. this is where i belong.

    smiles, bee

  2. I think we all experience, at some point, the idea that we ware "stuck" in a situation, whether it be a job, a physical location, or a relationship. Sometimes the beginning of change comes from just allowing oneself to think differently about something. I discovered this a few years ago. I was really feeling unhappy about something that I didn't have....until I realized that what I DID have was something worth cherishing! Suddenly, I realized how blessed I was. Now I can't believe how fortunate I am to have what I have, and I rarely think about those things I don't.

  3. Beautiful post. This is so true Rick. I wish I had understood this long ago. Thankfully I am now learning to practice this and finally make it a regular part of my life.


Thank you kindly.