Sunday, October 9, 2011

A Sunday Funny....

Happy Sunday all! Can you believe it is October 9th already? Where does the time go? I've done so much traveling this year that it seems to have flown past even more quickly than usual. Or is it true that time passes more quickly as one ages? At any rate I stumbled across this image recently and thought it to be rather funny. For those of us living in today's 'social media' world of Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and yes, even Blogger, we need to remember to live in the moment which sometimes means forgetting about telling everyone else we know about the experience and just living it! So remember, in case of fire, exit the building BEFORE Tweeting about it!
Happy Sunday!


  1. I don't tweet, but if I did and my building was on fire, I can assure you that would be the last thing on my mind (tweeting, that

  2. Good answer, Judy! I agree, and I am a big user of Twitter.

  3. lol. I am sure there might be some who would tweet that! "the tweeting world".
    Me, too, would not be tweeting. My cell phone is just that...a phone, I don't have all those things going on with it anyway.

    Happy Sunday, hope yours was a good one. Thanks for the funny :)

  4. My sister-in-law posted this on her Facebook account this weekend, and laughed at length. I laughed because not only was it funny, but it also gave me pause. I believe that there are far too many people who need to be reminded of this. I fear, however, that I might slip one day and be one to whom this should be directed!


Thank you kindly.