Friday, February 20, 2009

Friday Funnies

Yesterday was a super long day at work. Sheldon and I were in the office by 6:00 am and we finally left at 8:15 pm. Sheldon had a few walks and of course had plenty of snacks, toys and treats available at his whim. Anyway I was way too tired to write much of a blog post, but I thought it would be fun to share a few funny pet photos I've been hanging onto. I can't even imagine how upset the person was who owned the laptop in this photo! I'm not sure you could ever get that dog pee out of the keyboard! Anyway, here are two more funny dog photos. Hope they make you smile too.
above: Sheldon dreams about being able to drive himself someday.
above: This Chihuahua with the toupe is just way too funny. Happy Friday all.
-Rick Rockhill


  1. And a Happy Friday right back at you too, Rick. Loved the dog photos -very funny! I needed a good clean chuckle right about now and you just provided it for me.

  2. Chihuahua with the toupe is an absolute classic *LOL*

  3. Rick, You know, being a Poodle, Sheldon WILL eventually find a way to drive himself. We're convinced that our Bailey, at 5 years old, already takes advantage of us being gone at times and take one of the cars out for a spin now and then. We've found the nail marks on the steering wheel and the mysterious parking ticket in the glove box that we knew neither of us got.

  4. LMAOOOO at that poor lil chihuahua1!! Who would do that????? Poor baby......
    Hope you're well.....

    PS...I'm getting a new puppy next week as a playmate for Spud the pug ...a Yorkie....his name will be Tank.

  5. those are hilarious, loved them all.

  6. The chihuahua looks like a guy I once worked for...

  7. When will Sheldon start earning a paycheck for going into the office with you?

  8. Sadly, some men I've seen have toupe's that obvious in real life. :)

  9. HAHA! Love it! There's nothing like cute puppy pics to brighten up your day!

    The toupe toting Chihuahua looks like Donald Trump!

  10. SO glad I wasn't drinking tea when I looked at that photo of the toupeed chihuahua, or else my tea would have been as impossible to get out of my laptop as the puppy pee!

  11. I cannot stop laughing over the pic of the Chihuahua with the toupe!

  12. LOL, LOL....I love that third one...A Dark Haired Donald Trump....LOL!

  13. Just found your blog today it's wonderful! very funy blog. Loved the dog photos very funny. Woo hoo!!! Loved that first joke, too funny! Thanks for lightening up our day. I love reading or watching your funnies. There were some pretty good ones last week too. Thanks so much for sharing.


Thank you kindly.