Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Slow Down, the Cosmos is Calling, Part 1

Hey there, slow down a moment. The cosmos is calling you. Take a deep breath, and focus on this image above for a few moments (or as long as you like). Can you feel the energy? This will bring you good luck this week. Enjoy.
-Rick Rockhill


  1. It's very peaceful. I enlarged it; the design is beautiful.

  2. Right now, looking at that design is making me dizzy. Is that the reaction I should get or is this just something coming from the freaking head cold, blurry vision I seem to be having from the watery eyes, runny nose, sneezing syndrome right now?

  3. I'm off to Pittsburgh at the end of the week and I can't wait! I'll take all the luck I can get. ;)
    Wishing you good karma too! :)


  4. I feel the energy. that's so cool.

  5. Please take some time for yourself!

  6. PLUS i just found out feburary is cake month! cake month!!! get it rick? the whole month!!!!

    smiles, bee

  7. breathing in, breathing out....

    thanks. i very much needed that.

  8. WOoooooOOOOOoooo, that was great. You've been so busy lately it was nice having a breather post.

    I did find myself going cross eyed and I ended up staring at two white spots :)

  9. So cool...I am sick and maybe a bit feverish, but that just seems to make it that much more relaxing :)

  10. Bee- Cake Month? WOWSER! Count me in!

  11. Thank you! I needed a little pick me up as this wintery weather in London town has been getting me down.

  12. wow! I Think I'll need to come & watch this often!


Thank you kindly.