Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Slow Down the Cosmos is Calling, Part 2

If you weren't here yesterday, first scroll down to that post. Go ahead, I'll wait.
OK, now take another deep breath. Let it out. And again. Do yourself a favor, spend a few minutes studying this image above. I mean really studying it. Get lost in the detail. Imagine you are the guy in the lower left corner peering out. Try to remember this image before you go to sleep this evening. If you did this right, you just may have the best night's rest in a long time.
-Rick Rockhill


  1. I'll come back tonight and try it out! Is that a Tarot card?

  2. Is that the occult?

    I love that picture, It wraps up the cosmos so beautifully!

  3. Too bad I didn't see this until this morning! I'll look again before I go to sleep tonight.

  4. Again, thank you! I will be retiring in about an hour and I will report back if any dreams occurred or was it just a blissful sleep :)

  5. Urbi et Orbi? The city and the world, isn't that a Catholic phrase?

    I guess I can see that there, from his little town he can see the world...but I am curious about the context here.


Thank you kindly.