Thursday, March 5, 2009

Of Being Frugal....

Everybody's talkin' 'bout how being frugal is "the new black". These days it's hip to be cheap. Clipping coupons. Early bird specials. Club discounts. Frequent shopper cards. Hunting for online promo codes. Or just not spending money at all. Even The Palm Springs Savant knows how to save money and hunt for bargains. I've found myself skipping certain extras here and there. For example: I cut out trips to the cawfee shop ($2.00 per cup). I sometimes order just water if I am at a casual dining restaurant (those iced teas add up at $2.50 per glass). I wait to purchase certain items at the grocery store until I see it on sale the following week. We've tried to reduce our gas consumption through carpooling and consolidation of trips. It really adds up. We've managed to save some money and apply it toward normal living expenses. Who am I kidding, I'm spending it all on the dog and cat, and I'm happy about it. Owen and Sheldon are the kids in our household. As we "cocoon" and spend more time at home, our pets are at the center of our lives. So spending the extra money on the dog and cat makes me feel better. I may cut back on all sorts of other things, but certainly not my pets. For instance, I took Sheldon into the pet store the other day ("where the pets go") and let him pick out some rawhide for himself. He had so much fun walking up and down aisles sniffing everything. He finally landed on some chew strips that were on sale...I've trained him well! Being a bargain hunter has its benefits, at least for my pets anyway.
-Rick Rockhill


  1. It's not such a bad thing to tighten our proverbial belts, is it?

  2. i am so happy you have them!

    smiles, bee

  3. very very true. Great post Rick! Its so very true!

    Do I smell a frugal saturday seven post coming up? ::)

  4. I've been practicing frugality for at least 5 years now. I use coupons, store cards and discounts all the time. I'm not nuts with it - if I really want something - I get it, but I'm trying to make sure that I maximize the savings when I do.

  5. I need some furry friends to help me sniff out bargains!

    And also, I miss having a kitty.

  6. lol!! I scrimp, but not my dogs!! I have walked them down the isles before , sniffing the treats and letting them pick something. I love that. I make sure they don't know about the economy crunch!!

    love the post :)

  7. Hubby and I have been splitting an entree at dinner for years, but now it's actually become the norm! Who knew we'd be trend-setters? We're just small eaters!

  8. Since my number of children went over 4, we have been very frugal and my kids don't remember anything different. In a way I am sad for them-- it was fun shopping with my mom at Nordstrom and going to Seattle to shop for school clothes. That being said, I am sad and miss those times. My eldest daughter can make dinner for eight with just a little hamburger or tuna, a couple of eggs and flour and cheese and she is the go-to gal about how to boil eggs or make things for kids who don't know how to cook from scratch. She is grateful.

  9. You're a good furdaddy...

  10. I love those store loyalty cards. It's almost like a game going to Safeway, watching the bill rise, then the card scanned, and watching the total drop like rocks!

    One day I saved so much ($12) that I blurted "Blimey, that was a lot off!"


Thank you kindly.