Thursday, June 17, 2010

Mystery Cruise to BERMUDA

Mystery Cruise destination was to Bermuda!

Well the surprise is over! Some of you guessed Bermuda correctly the locale of the Mystery Cruise. It is a lovely island with its own rich history and charming traditions that make it interesting to just poke around and explore. The beaches are pristine and quiet- undeveloped and a perfect place to get away from it all. I've also been enjoying of the local provinces, or Parishes as they call them here, such as St George, Hamilton, Sandys, Smith's and Devonshire. Horseshoe beach was the location of the family wedding we attended, which was a perfect spot for wedding nuptials with sweeping views of the coast. Here, in this photo I'm standing on the steps of St Peter's Anglican Church, which is the oldest continually used Anglican church in the Western Hemisphere. Originally built in 1612, it still has a feel of the olden days. While inside I spent a few moments to give thanks for this terrific vacation, it is a wonderful church to worship in. Bermuda has been a great place to vacation. Soon we'll set sail back to the US; after a few hot humid days in the beach resort atmosphere of this tiny island I'm looking forward to a few luxurious days at sea. Here are a few last photos I'd like to share:

above: I still marvel at the color of the waters here.

I apologize I don't know the name of this old ship, but it looked cool.
Thanks for stopping by these past few days and playing the Mystery Cruise blog game!

-Rick Rockhill


  1. Had I been a good blogger and been up to date on your writing, I would have guessed your Mystery Cruise right from the start. I honeymooned in Bermuda. A beautiful place. Friendly people! Pink beaches. I think my favorite place to visit was the Governors Mansion, and that was because of the flora and fauna. The trees were simply amazing. Did you go to the top of the lighthouse for the amazing view? I know you're having a great time. Enjoy!

  2. i knew bermuda but rick, which ship was that at the beginning?

    and thanks for the game, i really liked it!

    smiles, bee

  3. When I honeymooned in Bermuda back in the stone age, I had never been anywhere tropical. I remember standing outside the airport looking at the color of the ocean, and I couldn't comprehend just what I was looking at. Is that a huge pool, I thought? OMG, that's the OCEAN? The ocean is THAT color? Who knew?! What great memories it brings back. It's truly breathtaking. Now more than ever I want to go back and experience that beauty in person. Thanks for sharing your lovely photos.

  4. From your pictures, I feel as if I have just had a wonderful tour myself -minus the sun, sand and tan though. Love being taken all over the world on these vicarious trips!

  5. Glad you had such a wonderful cruise. I, too, marvel at the color of the water and never tire of seeing it!

  6. I'm glad it was a wonderful time. I've never been to Bermuda... what a wonderful place!

    Thanks for taking us along :-D)

  7. We were there in May of 1985, and I loved it. Such gorgeous water colors!

  8. I am sorry I haven't been by, Rick...A bit overwhelmed with some personal business and health issues, too....This sounds like it has been a GREAT trip. You sure are the World Traveler...Last time I was here you were in Europe---then, you got home and took this fabulous cruise!
    I've never been to Bermuda though I have been to some of the other Islands. It looks Sublime!


Thank you kindly.