Saturday, June 19, 2010

Thinking of Buying a Mac, iPad or iPhone?

Thinking about buying a Mac, iPad or iPhone? Well here is all you need to know about Apple. Even back in the 1970's "Apple Computers". I love how this ad says: "Tens of Thousands have already chosen Apple" Wow, I think they have a few more users by now...


  1. i am an apple girl through and through!

    smiles, bee

  2. I think maybe you're right!
    Welcome home??? Are you back in CA, yet?

  3. Mee too, Bee, I now use a MacBook Pro, and an iPad. I love 'em!

    Kathy- Nope, not back from vacation yet...although I've been doing some work the last day or two...

  4. I love that ad! My first computer was an apple computer in the early 80's.


Thank you kindly.