Friday, June 25, 2010

Sometimes the Truth Hurts...

Today I received feedback from someone about a matter where I expressed my opinions. Following my conversation with this person, I understood the implications. I'm being cryptic, but my message back is that sometimes, truth hurts. If you'd like a refresh on the matter, you may remember this post from a few months ago. I stand by those remarks and hope that it helps explain my true intentions. Yes, Integrity Does Matter- a lot. At least in my book anyway.


  1. Strangely enough, Rick, although I follow your every post via my reader, somehow or other, I missed your first post on this topic. But be that as it may, I agree wholeheartedly with your opinion in this matter. My older daughter has always been one who thought for a long, long time in terms of what she could do to some folks if she felt they had offended her, wanting to "get even" and I have told her, over the years, that I feel revenge is generally a very useless thing and if something has been done that one feels warrants revenge that it is wiser to leave it alone as sooner or later, that person will get what's coming to them. It's been a long arduous path to get that message through to my daughter to leave such things to karma or to one's Higher Power -whatever -and to use integrity and honesty in the dealings we have with others whether we feel they are deserving of that or not but now she is finally -thankfully -beginning to see the light in that respect. So much easier overall to contend with people and issues in that manner, as you know. Thanks for a great post and the reminder one too!

  2. You're absolutely right -- integrity DOES matter a great deal. And yes, I remember that post quite well. It too them this long to comment???

  3. Sometimes you just have to set the boundary.

  4. I remember that post about intergrity. In our lives we should live by our own personal code of ethics. Some, unfortunately, possess less integrity than others do. Never apologize for feeling the way you feel about things, Rick...we all know that you have a good heart and mean well. If someone's feelings are hurt, maybe they should examine their own ethics a bit more closely.


Thank you kindly.