Sunday, August 31, 2008

Sunday Art Review: Vintage War Art

I spent part of yesterday watching a few vintage black and white films, made roughly during and just after WWII. Hollywood played quite a role with propaganda to support people's opinion of the war effort. (In the context of this post, "propaganda" is not implied as a bad thing). I am certainly not glorifying war by any means, and I have great respect for our armed servicepeople. (Regular readers know that I generally avoid controversial topics on this blog, as it is intended only as light entertainment). Anyway, after watching those vintage war era films, I was inspired to do some research online, which eventually led me to a series of propaganda war posters, which was the inspiration of this week's Sunday Art Review: Vintage War Art
above left: "Join the Navy" & above right "King & Country"

above left: "Will You Have a Part" & above right:"The Kitchen"
above left: "Defend American Freedom" & above right: "Women of Britain"

above left: "Fight or Buy Bonds" & above right" Keep Em Flying"

above left: "Man the Guns" & above right: 'Let Em have It"

above left: "Loose Lips" & above right: "Our Flag"

above left: "We're in the Army Now" & above right: Come into the Factories"
above: The famous "We Can Do It!" poster, which is still an inspiration to millions of women today.
Which Vintage Art do you like best? Go ahead, leave a comment, it is a long holiday weekend and you have plenty of time!
-Rick Rockhill

Saturday, August 30, 2008

The Saturday Seven: Presidential Dogs

With the US Presidential campaigns in full swing, it occurred to me that in so many ways the dogs that have occupied the White House are equally interesting as their Commanders in Chief that occupied the Oval Office. This became the inspiration for this week's scintillating edition of The Saturday Seven: Presidential Dogs.
#1 "Lucky" Reagan

#2 "Millie Bush"

#3 "Buddy" Clinton"
#4 "Barney" Bush
#5 "Checkers" Nixon
#6 "Laddie Boy" Harding
#7 "Liberty" Ford
Bonus entry: "Fala" Roosevelt
Are there any White House dogs or First Pets that interest you? remember, dogs are better than people...even when those people are leaders of the free world!
-Rick Rockhill

Friday, August 29, 2008

Home Sweet Home for the Holiday Weekend

Well thankfully it's Friday, and the start of a nice long holiday weekend. I plan to relax at the homestead and just enjoy some quiet time. Fortunately the lawn has filled in nicely this summer, so I don't have to worry about doing any gardening this weekend. I suppose after the first day of doing nothing I'll be ready for some excitement. Maybe if I'm lucky one or two celebrity friends will drop by to say hello. For example, wouldn't it be interesting if Brad Pitt and George Clooney stopped by for a martini, all dressed up in their tuxedos? I mean, it could happen. They both love Palm Springs and enjoy getting away from the prying media and paparazzi. I'd better stock up on their preferred brand of vodka and get the martini shakers ready just in case they do show up. As Bee would say, I think my fish oil pills are kicking in so I probably should end this fanciful post here. This is one of those entries that fulfills the subtitle of this blog: "From the sublime to the ridiculous. Some fact and some fiction" . Fact or Fiction? You Decide.
-Rick Rockhill

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Mmmmmm Chocolate Cake

Chocolate Cake. It's what's for breakfast. And Lunch. And Dinner. Well, that's what it would be if I were King of the World. I must be cut from the same cloth as Empress Bee, of the High Sea, who also loves cake. I've been tempted a few times to fly out to see Bee and go on a bakery know, visit a bunch of bakeries, cafes and pastry shops sampling cake all day. I know Bee will understand what I mean. I was so desperate for cake this week that I baked one for myself, and have been enjoying it daily. It's not the prettiest cake, and it is nothing fancy, but it it delicious, rich dark chocolate cake. Mmmmmmm Chocolate Cake, anyone up for a slice?
-Rick Rockhill

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Wisdom Wednesday: Featuring Dr Sidney Wang

Dr Wang, our resident oracle betta fish

This week's dose of fish wisdom comes from deep within the waters of Dr Wang's fish tank, beyond The Great Bubble Wall:

"Do not worry about the future for it is not yet come. Live each day in the present and make it beautiful"

Try to incorporate this into your life this week!
This week's famous quote is from actress Julia Roberts (believe it or not):
"True love doesn't come to you, it has to be inside you"
Live your life with wisdom,
-Dr Wang

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Rick's Roadshow: Georgetown, Washington DC

Welcome to another installment of Rick's Roadshow! I wish to disclose upfront that I am not on the road today, I've been hanging onto this post now for a few weeks but I've had too much going on to get to this post. You may recall a few weeks ago I was in the Washington DC area attending my company's Leadership Summit and Trade Show at the Gaylord National Hotel facility. I was so busy that week that I didn't have time to publish a Rick's Roadshow post, but I did have ONE evening free to get out and explore the area. The photo above is in the Georgetown area, right on the Potomac River. The water fountains were so beautiful at night.

above: this is the view further back, before I approached those beautiful water fountains. (They are actually lower, by the river bank).

above: I took this photo from inside a restaurant, looking out the windows where these trees were covered in tiny white lights.

above: one of many monuments in the DC area.

above: This lion head water spout was near the base of that giant monument- there are several of them going around the base, with water flowing out of the lion's mouths and into a basin.
Alexandria, Virginia
Earlier in the evening, we took a water taxi from National Harbor over to Alexandria, Virginia

above: this is the pier where we caught the water taxi from National Harbor to Alexandria Old Town Pier.

above: While crossing the river, we encountered this other water taxi...
above: the view of Alexandria, Virginia as we approached the shore. It had an old world Colonial feel to it and was quite charming.

above: Our water taxi arrived at Alexandria Old Town Pier. It was a festive area with plenty of activity. I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed the Old Town area. We drove past places where our founding fathers lived and worked. Unfortunately dusk settled in and my camera was useless in the dark streets, so you'll have to take my word for it, it was cute. Well that's all I'm afraid. Not the most exciting edition of Rick's Roadshow, but it is what it is. Thanks for stopping by!
-Rick Rockhill

Monday, August 25, 2008

A Benefit for Alzheimers Research and the Screen Actors Guild Foundation

This past Friday I attended a benefit for the Deane F. Johnson Alzheimer's Research Center and The Screen Actors Guild Foundation. The star-studded event was hosted by Integrated Wealth Management held at the Catalina Jazz Club, which has an excellent reputation for amazing live jazz performances and delicious food. A veritable "Who's Who" of Hollywood royalty attended, including some of our close friends. I spent some time with Regis and Joy Philbin, who were in good spirits and shared a few laughs before dinner and the show.

above: I chatted for awhile with actress Loni Anderson (of "WKRP in Cincinnati" fame) and discussed the evening's festivities.

above: "Dallas" stars Larry Hagman, with wife (left) and Linda Gray (right) who looks fabulous and is so pleasant.

above: "Knots Landing" star Michelle Lee (left) and "Young and Restless"/"Bold & Beautiful" star Adrienne Frantz (right)

above: Michelle Lee, Linda Gray and star of the "Mary Tyler Moore Show" and Rhoda", Vallerie Harper (left) and the legendary Tony Award & Golden Globe actress/singer Dihann Caroll (right)

above: Academy Awad nominated actress Anne Archer (left) and newcomer Mario Rivelli (right)

above: Academy Award winner Elliott Gould (left) and "Knots Landing" star Donna Mills (right)

above: Crooner Neil Sedaka (left) and Academy Award winner, star of "Poltergeist" and recently "Dexter", JoBeth Williams (right)
Then the Performance by Michael Finestein

above: Micheal Finestein performs and wows the audience. He performed standards by legendary lyricists Alan and Marilyn Bergman, who have won multiple Oscar, Grammy and Golden Globe awards for their collection of music. Alan Bergman performed a few songs with Michael and mesmerized the audience with his raw talent.

above: Me gushing with Michael Finestein after his remarkable performance.

above left: Jim Casey, president of Integrated Wealth Management and the underwriter for the event served as emcee for the evening. Above right: JoBeth Williams speaks about the SAG Foundation.

above left: Doris Roberts ("Everybody Loves Raymond") says hello, above right: Vallerie Harper and Kate Edelman-Johnson share a moment on stage. It was a fantastic evening and a lot of fun, all for a good cause.
-Rick Rockhill