The poodles were trying to greet me, bouncing all over the place- that is until I gazed upon the sofa, which was covered with crumbs of crackers. It seems that I forgot to "pood

above: its difficult to see it in this photo, but there were cracker crumbs all over the floor as well..

above: Duncan and Sheldon stared at the evil vacuum cleaner as it whirred and hummed. Owen remained safely under the bar stool where errant machines with suction could do no harm to furry little kitties. In not time at all, The Cracker Calamity of 2010 was but a distant memory.
That Duncan: he really is the mischievous one. I don't recall Sheldon getting into so much trouble when he was an only child!
eesh, what a mess but i am giggling imagining sheldon and owen watch duncan take the heat.
Don't be fooled - I'll bet Owen was egging him on. "Do it, go ahead...you know you want those crackers..."
don't feel bad, my flat cats get into trouble all the time too!
smiles, bee
Your poodles and I have something in common, in that whenever I've engaged in acts of vandalism I've gotten my picture taken too.
Down at the precinct.
Oh dear god in heaven. And the adventure continues!
Don't you feed those boys enough, Rick? LOL
Your Sheldon is no dummy; he's not going to take the blame for the scamp Duncan! My Duncan is an imp, too; then again, what 10-year-old boy isn't? ;)
Rick, I just love your furkids' mischievous adventures. When it's all said and done you can't help but laugh and love them that much more...
Funny! Similar to The Great Tampon War of 1994 in our house!
I think it's commendable that the culprit stepped up! Shows you're good humans to your furkids.
Oh, poodles ARE bad. haha!
Boys will be boys *LOL*
Lol. I guess that two minds really are better than one :)
ooh, bad Duncan! dogs cannot tell a lie. He knew that you knew that he knew.......
LOL.....Doncha just love them tho?
I've read dogs achieve the intelligence of a 3 year-old child, so it only makes sense. Too cute.
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