above: a publicity photo from her last book: "Just Lucky I Guess, a biography of Sorts"

above: Miss Channing stands next to her husband Harry Kulijian, as he speaks about her work to help increase Arts programs at schools in California.

above: I asked Carol to perform her famous comedy sketch of "Cecilia Sisson" a hilarious routine for which she is famous. She had the room in stitches and fits of laughter. Carol still speaks with her signature style, raspy-voiced silly, at times dithering routine where she searches for words, stammers and pokes fun at herself. It's been a classic part of her persona and still holds true today. She is truly one of a kind.

above: Carol sang a few songs, but it was her rendition of "Hello Dolly" that had the room thrilled and singing along. I last saw Carol in concert here in Palm Springs nearly three years ago at the McCallum Theatre, with Debbie Reynolds (Carol stole the show that night).
above: this is one of my favorite acts she performs- the Cecilia Sisson bit I mentioned earlier. Her comedy and timing is spot-on.

above: It was really great to have the opportunity to spend time with Carol and chat directly with her for so long. She is a true living legend in the entertainment industry, and I'm honored to have shared a meal with her. Oh by the way, Carol will be receiving a star on the Palm Springs Walk of Stars in a few months. I'll be sure to report on that right here.
-Rick Rockhill
I can't believe you met the original Broadway Mame! WOW!
that's terrific! I have always liked Carol Channing, she appears to me that she would be absultely charming to meet.
I loved the video!!
How wonderful! She just exudes such energy. It must have rocked being in the same room as her, let alone speaking to her!
that is wonderful rick!!! she is really something special and i am so happy you got to go.
smiles, bee
RICK! I saw her downtown a few times when I was there. I had no idea who she was, but I recognize her from your pics.
Priceless! Look at her face when people start to laugh -- Cecelia is appalled but doesn't quite know what to do.
Has anyone ever refused you a photo?
I love her! So nice for you to meet her! I hope I live that long and am in that great shape!
Ohhh! Cool post, Rick!
Bravo to Carol for still kicking ass at her age!
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