I decided I needed a quick celebration. So I stopped off at Cold Stone Creamery, ordered the largest cup of chocolate ice cream they offer, and gobbled it up. This weekend is important for me. I must begin to re-program my mind. Release myself from old habits, thoughts, limitations and prepare for a new adventure. Visualize what I want to become in my new role, and "reboot" my systems. It may include a trip to a day spa, and most certainly a nice dinner with close friends to celebrate. Those would be much needed distractions. But in the background, will be a mental de-fragmentation of sorts. I really need it.
FYI, if you are just catching up, here is the background to all these work changes:
The News...Part I
The News...Part II
-Rick Rockhill
I vote for the day spa and more ice cream!!
I had no idea! Wow. Reprogramming is quite a challenge sometimes -- but always keeps us fresh, alive, and active in our lives. Your post sounds like much of the verbiage in yoga. Set your intention -- flexibility, strength, balance, whatever you decide. For your practice, for your life. I have no doubt that you'll be on to something exciting very soon. With your super great attitude and positiveness, how could you not!?
Deprogramming from a 13-ear career can be challenging, but I think you can do it. Enjoy more chocolate ice cream, play with our pets and start your next career with optimism, faith, and adventure...
A Day Spa sounds PERFECT! And a lot more Ice Cream, too...lol!
Much Good Luck in this new and exciting job, Rick.
Happy rebooting :)
All the very best in your new adventure Rick!
best wishes in your new career rick, i know it will be a long and happy one for you!
smiles, bee
Congratulations and good luck! I have no doubt that this walk down a new path will be a good one. I hope you enjoyed the weekend!
Rick - Here's wishing you a very easy transfer from one employer to the new one and may this job be everything you thought it would be and then some!
So -you're on Facebook too, huh? Are you listed as Rick Rockill? Or something else? I'm there -at my "name" here on blogger. Love Facebook for the ease in which I can load all kinds of pictures to it! (Plus being able to have fun with lots of friends on there too.
Even when the decision to leave/change is made with great deliberation, there are bound to be emotions involving sadness or even a bit of regret. How fortunate you are to have two astute fur babies! I have no doubt you'll be successful in your new endeavor.
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