above: the invitation to the Guide Dogs Heroes brunch

above: A fun moment on stage when two guide dogs have a social moment together. Later in the presentation we heard from a visually impaired person who received a guide dog. He described how he had late onset of an eye disorder where he had full vision until his forties-and then lost his sight. Imagine how that would affect you? With a guide dog, he us now able to continue to work, travel for his job and not only continue to support himself but contribute to society as well. It is difficult to imagine until you hear from someone who shares their story with you. This Heroes Brunch did exactly that, elevated the status of these wonderful dogs who become heroes for people everyday.

above: This guide dog-in-training, "Bailey" was all tuckered out, and took a moment to relax during the presentation.

above: this is the beautiful award from the Guide Dogs of the Desert. I accepted it on behalf of my company and was humbled by their appreciation. If you ever have an opportunity to attend a graduation ceremony at a guide dog school near where you live, do yourself the favor and attend. They are free to attend and open to the public- it will really move and inspire you in many ways. If you want to help Guide Dogs of the Desert in some way, click here.
-Rick Rockhill
What a great honor! Congrats on the award. You meld the personal and the professional in such a warm and friendly way--your company is lucky to have your talents.
Congrats to your company for the award. It's a good reflection of corporate responsibility and positive community relations. Bravo!
What a worthwhile cause! And what a wonderful social conscience PETCO has!
Looks like a great time. I think guide dogs are incredibly impressive. I just love them to pieces.
Nice blog Rick. It was great meeting you. Hopefully we'll see you again soon.
Guide Dogs are saviors to so many. I admire them so much.
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